Preserve Trip + Gambino Rises

On my way home from my Aunts today, I stopped at a forest preserve and went off trail a little bit. I ended up following a dried out creek bed that ended up at a larger river. I got some pretty good shots along the way, although didn't catch any wildlife as I was hoping to. Here are a couple shots from today.


Also Rachel's Gambino video hit 666 views today....oooo creepy 666. But for real, why so many dislikes on this video? I can't wrap my head around it.  People on the internet are just mean.

freaks and geeks 666.JPG

I have still been editing videos, hopefully to finish at least one before I go see my sister at Mizzou this weekend. The website is slowing getting more material on it. I am searching through my Europe pictures for a second time. This time looking for good animal/human/scenary shots to upload. Although I don't want to upload too many pictures, it is hard when I think so many look pretty good.

Well, that is all for now
