Back to Reality... Unfortunately

Friday June 24th, 2016, Rachel and I returned from our glorious honeymoon after the most magnificent wedding. More to come in future (actually past) blogs about those two incredible events.  Our first visitor to welcome us home (besides my dad) was Izzy! Sadly this is the last photo I ever took of that beautiful pup (more about that event here). Feeling in the Hawaii mood still we decided to watch Jurassic Park that evening.

On the 25th of June, Saturday, we set out to visit Rachel's grandparents in Kankakee, enjoying spending time with gma and gpa, even having them sign our wedding board! That evening we spent at Rachel's parents and opened the rest (all) of our gifts from the wedding. Thanks everyone! Thank You Cards to come, I promise!

June 26th was a Sunday in which we swam in the pool at Rachel's parents house and had some chipotle for dinner back in the city. Gotta love getting those summer swims in.

Monday June 27th, back to the grind. After having nearly 3 weeks off work, we had to make the unfortunate return to reality. To put it bluntly, work sucks and vacation rules. That evening I uploaded photos from the wedding and honeymoon to the computer, although we did not have a chance to look through them, not even a tiny bit. McDonald's for dinner. Eat up ya'll.

Tuesday June 28th involved multiple episodes of the show Peaky Blinders on Netflix. Season 3 is going swell.

Wednesday June 29th, we had a little bit of home town cooking. Lou Malnati's pizza always tastes great, especially when you've been out of state for awhile and couple it with a lovely sunset with the love of your life. Perfect.

On Thursday June 30th I was able to finish the third season of Peaky Blinders. Woo! What a great show. Watch it on Netflix people. Can't wait for them to release future seasons.

Video of the Week: Squid entered multiple JT concerts over the weeks. Here is one of her vids. Go Squid Go! Don't worry, I'll post the others in blogs to come! Don't forget to check out her blog, or you are a terrible person!

TV Show of the Week: Peaky Blinders Season 3. Only 3 seasons, and all are on Netflix. Watch! PS: are those my the wedding Tuxes we wore??

These next blogs will be a bit out of order but I have about 10 of them lined up from over the past 2 months as well as the here and now. Get pumped.


