Blog Tuesday for a 2nd Time!

This is me successfully blogging for 2 straight weeks. Impressive I know.

I will be headed to Vegas in a few days, still a lot to plan, even though it is just a 3 day trip, I want to make the most of it. Finding the best shows to see, tastiest food to eat, great spots to take pictures, and dip into the gambling at one of their famouscasinos.


Made some delicious meals with Rachel (and Johnny) this past weekend. Two BBQ Chicken Bacon Pizzas, and then a Brat, Onion, & Pepper Pasta, aka Castrofique!... Let's just say they were both scrumptious and I am still enjoying the left overs.


Greg "the beast" Gurenlian & Chris Mattes, both MLL faceoff studs, stopped by 1223 for a FaceOff Academy sponsored by New Wave the past weekend. The dude was literally a beast and had a wealth of knowledge at the Face off X.


Been busy with a lot of media / website / marketing work for 1223 Lacrosse the past week. Lots and lots of good things coming your way from 1223 in the near future. 

YaBoysJcubed and Rachel also got together this weekend, filming some ping pong doubles action, played some classic board games, Rummikub & Loaded Questions, while sipping back on some Hot Chocolate & Schnapps. Not to mention we worked on a bit of music that should be coming your way later this year, get excited. 

Ping Pong Doubles.jpg

How about that Richard Sherman...The Denver Broncos beat the New England Patriots handedly earlier in the day. Then after the Seattle Seahawks knocked off the San Francisco 49ers with a great defensive play by Richard Sherman, we were blessed with this fantastic interview. It was like the WWF out there! I am pretty pumped for the Super Bowl in 2 weeks. Definitely can't wait to watch, Denver Broncos vs Seattle Seahawks. #1 offense vs #1 defense. Should be a great game.

And we cannot forget also this past week when former NBA player Dennis Rodman talks exclusively to CNN's Chris Cuomo from North Korea. He goes off for a classic Worm moment.

Well done, well done. WWF & Richard Sherman.

Finished up the book "Divergent" on my nook. A pretty good read that is based in a dystopian Chicago where there are different factions of people within in the city. A quick read with a great story line. Similar type of writing/reading as The Hunger Games, although I thought there could have been more description in the last few chapters. Can't wait to get started on book 2, "Insurgent." This is Veronica Roth's debut novel, and she does a great job with it. I highly suggest it, as the movies will start rolling out this year! 

I have Morton's Toe. Explains everything! Even though it actually explains nothing since I have none of those symptoms and never have had any issues regarding its symptoms... knock on wood! But my feet are definitely structured this way. Me and the Statue of Liberty are best of friends!

Just found out that the National will be playing at the Chicago Theatre on April 15/16. Tickets go on sale on 1/23 at 10am. Cannot wait. These guys are phenomenal, producing soft, calming music, yet so powerful at the same time.

Lots of work to be done, See you next week!
