Pivotal Moment in My Coaching Career

Song of the Week: Blue Mountains by Diamond Rugs. Still on my D.Rugs kick. Squids Favorite

On Tuesday April 7th, still recovering from the awesome week of Diamond Rugs concerts, I hit up McDonald's after work and got my pregame McChicken. We pulled out a convincing 15-0 win over a newer team in the area. Go Cats.

Wednesday April 8th was a day where I continued my poor eating habits and had 2 mccchickens for lunch. After my 3 practices for the day, I picked up Beth and we headed to Buffalo Wings & Rings for some quality dining to support the womens NV lax team. I had a fresh brew to go with my wings that made sweat drip from my head. I called it an early nights sleep that evening.

Thursday April 9th was a stormy day in which my practice got cancelled. This was nice since I was able to head home early and get a lot done at home. For dinner Rachel and I had a left over Grinder she got from Chicago Grinder & PIzza Co earlier that week to go along with a tasty salad. I made myself a banana split for dinner and couldn't have been happier with my choice to top it with sprinkles. We loaded up Goodfellas that night and enjoyed the 1990 gangster classic film.

On Friday April 10th I enjoyed leftover salad for lunch then headed to my practices. After NV pracitce, I hit up Gio's with Dario and met a new friend Will. After drinking a couple of Lagunitas IPA's I headed home, and shredded up the expired pork I had cooking in the crock pot. Once I added my Stubbs BBQ sauce, I had no fear of the potential diareahha that could head my way from eating this expired pork. Luckily it was only a little brown and smelt only a little sour so I finished it up. Headed to bed after having Rachel upload this video for me! Another highlight vidoe in the books. Get them while their hot folks!

Saturday April 11th was my first weekend game of the year. The cats took on Stevenson and we pulled out another 13-6 victory. 5-0 on the season. Great start! I then headed over to Rachel's parents to celebrate her birthday since we won't be around next weekend. We got a mid afternoon bonfire going which was awesome. For dinner we helped her dad make a delicious skirt steak salad. We then loaded up Into the Woods which I did not realize was as musical. I got through about half way before dozing off. Just a bit too much sun on this day. 

We spent our Sunday April 12th, heading down to Kankakee to visit Rachel's grandparents. We picked up panera on the way and had a great visit with them! My first FV game of the year for my 8 grade boys ended up as an 8-6 win. Big year as we play in the A division as a B team. I watched Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World as Rachel did her taxes. I prepped a frozen pizza, too easy.

Monday April 13th was a pivotal moment in my coaching career. The cats were off to a great practice in lovely weather, the sun was drying the recently rained on ground and some worms were about. One kid had a great idea to put a worm in another kids glove. Eventually I figured out who it was and I gave him the ultimatum: 100 pushups or eat the worm. All of the kids started the chant, "Eat the Worm! Eat the worm!" Holding the worm, the kid is staring at it, then goes for it. The whole team went absolutely bonkers. That's right, bonkers. He made his choice and swallowed the worm whole. Incredible. A hilarious and amazing moment.  That night I cooked up some soup for dinner while watching the end of Blow.

Movie of the week: Goodfellas. You need to watch this classic if you haven't seen it. Set the stage for wiseguy movies everywhere.

Video of the week: A Jcubed classic that involved a lot of rain, since it has been raining lately.

Off to Maryland this week to see Adam get married! Growing up!
