Back to the Norm

I had my first "normal" week over the past 7 days. I wasn't traveling about, hiking mountains, or moving. It was nice to finally be able to somewhat relax after being on the go for about 4 weeks.

Tuesday September 9th, 2014 I had brats, chicken, and corn for dinner with Rachel. Kind of a throw together meal, but who doesn't love a little more corn stool? We watched the first 2 episodes of the last season of Breaking Bad. The show is getting really good and we are seeing quite the character transformations.

On Wednesday the 10th I forgot to bring a lunch to work, but we were blessed with a man who brought us free Jet's pizza. A Jet's is opening up just down the road from work, which is great news since their pizza is so tasty.

On September 11th, Thursday, there were memories of September 11th, it has already been 13 years which is crazy. Here is a touching video about a lacrosse player who saved lives on that day. Brings a tear to the eye, and gives me motivation to be a nicer, more caring person each and every day.

That evening I got home pretty late and Rachel was out at Yoga, so I walked around trying to find some dinner for us, eventually picking up Wing Stop again. This time getting some lemon pepper and Louisiana rub flavors. They were both delicious, but I couldn't get enough of that Louisiana rub. Succulent. We of course watched some BB while enjoying our meal.

Friday September 12th was the day that I began to backup my computer. Having almost 3 TB of data now has forced me to split my backup between 2 externals. The power of music, photos, and videos. Large large files. I also began creating another Jcubed logo this weekend. Here is a very little tease for what it will look like.

Unfortunately on Saturday the 13th I had to head to work. Taking 90 minutes to drive out, just to work 3 hours, and then to drive back home for an hour. Rachel and I quickly cooked up a Pasta Side for dinner and then walked a mile and a half over to Brian's to hang out with Chris and Phil. Zac Brown Band was playing at Wrigley and we could hear them sitting in his apartment and standing on his porch. Despite being country, it sounded like they were playing a pretty good show by playing some rock covers and ended their show with Chicken Fried of course. After that ended, we threw on some Deer Tick for the people to enjoy. We walked home after a few hours and hit the hay.

On Sunday September 14th Rachel and I walked a mile and a half over to Zella. A brunch place that is popular for their all you can eat and drink brunch from 10:30a - 3p. We met up with Tori, her bf, Aly, Mary, Chris, and Rach's bro Rob. It was a fun time and I was wearing my Titans jersey. Go Titans! I became super full after 3 plates of eggs, bacon, chicken tenders, diced potatoes, fruit, bread, & some other foods, as well as drinking far too many mimosas and filling up on that OJ. After brunch Rach and I walked the 1.5 miles back home, stopping at Mary and Jeff's on the way to pet their cat.

Once home I continued to back-up my computer and watched some football. For dinner, I picked us up some Angela's steak taco dinners. Pretty tasty. While I was waiting for my tacos to be made, a super drunk 49 year old guy, who claimed to still get the ladies, kept high-fiving me and another guy in the place, yelling "Go Bears!" He also told me how he was blazing earlier in the day and had to take the train back to Libertyville. This dude was pretty funny and just kept talking about how great the bears were, "Go Bears!" He then showed us a photo of him and Walter Peyton from when he was a kid. Walter Peyton just looking ripped and shirtless, pretty cool photo, super weird dude. "Go Bears!"

Rachel and I enjoyed our dinner as the Bears looked terrible during the first half. It was so bad I said let's watch an episode of Breaking Bad, so we did. After dinner and BB I put on the second half of the Bears game and couldn't have been happier (unless I really cared, then maybe I would have been). The Bears stormed back and got the W in SF. Woop Woop.

Monday September 15, I finished my first audio book in the car. Speaker for the Dead, by Orson Scott Card. This book is the second novel in the Ender's Game series. Rachel has already read the whole series, and since I don't have time dedicated to reading currently, I get to read by listening every day on my drive! The book was good and the plot was solid, it was just difficult to follow the sci-fi names at times, but I did the best I could while having to focus on the road at times as well. Xenocide is the next novel in the series. Can't wait. Picked up some Steak n Shake for lunch as well. Triple steak burger with fries for $4.40. I am amazed at how much faster I got my food when in the drive thru versus being in a steak n shake. Makes me question if they purposely are slow when you dine-in, or if they give your food away to the drive thru lane. 

Well, that is all, looks like another normal week ahead.

You Stay Classy Friends.
