Tournament Champions & a 10-0 Start

On Tuesday April 21st, I hit up the dentist and found out I had 3 cavities. Unsure how this is possible since I have had all of my teeth filled multiple times, racking up well over 50 cavities over a lifetime. We took a bus to our first away game of the year and won a close 6-4 match at the top of the hill.

Deer tick is making new music! Hell yes! The boys are back in the studio. Get pumped.

Wednesday April 22nd, began with a trip back to the dentist to have those 3 cavities filled. After three practices, I headed home to Chicago and got some Renaldi's pizza with Rachel for dinner. A lovely little mid week city date with some tasty pizza and a beverage. Summer Shandy because in Chicago, it is always summer...

On Thursday April 23th, we played the arch rivals WV and dominated with a 12-4 win, putting us at 9-0 on the year. It was good to see and play against players I had coached last year for FV. Filmed the varsity game after, check the footage below. I had some Giordano's deep dish pizza for dinner thanks to the fam. Tasty. Sleep on.

Friday April 24th started with some donuts, I had 3 with sprinkles, fat. I had some left over pizza from Renaldi's for lunch and then hit up practice. After, my family went to Wings and Rings for a tasty dinner. I had a lovely burger with a shandy for dinner. We watched some ACC college lax on tv. Good family times!

Saturday April 25th proved to be a busy day. It started with another win for the cats in the pouring rain. 10-0 on the season. Good start so far. Immediately after the game, I shed my wet clothes and drove up to Milwaukee for a FV tournament. My teams played well and my 8 grade boys ended up winning the whole thing. We got medals, no trophy. Great for the kids, but lame for us coaches. We want the trophazz. I then drove back to Chicago to celebrate Rachel's Bday at our place by having a little party. It was gonna be a chill night for me, but then I found out my 2 games for Sunday morning got cancelled. Time to rage. I ended up meeting 2 folks from Ireland and showed them my Ireland photobook. I am so cool. We hit up LP Stadium since Gas Light was at capacity and jammed out to Deer Tick on the juke box. Loved it. Our waitress knew the song, "These Old Shoes" and danced to it with us. Great night.

On Sunday April 26th, after being awoken by a phone call to reschedule the lax games, I picked up some McDonald's for Rach and I, but was a bit upset when I saw the price of the McDouble has risen to $1.45 and the McChicken to $1.19. The McChicken spokesman is on the verge of heading elsewhere for his dollar deals. Unbelievable. I had to drive out to Wheaton for the game and ended up just reffing it myself because no refs showed up. What a waste of time. At least the weather was nice. Once back at our place, I finally figured out how to work our patio grills. No propane, no charcoal. All I had to do was turn on the grill. The gas must be fed straight from the building. Only took us 8 months to figure it out. Alright! Rachel and I grilled some tasty burgers and asparagus that evening. We also met our neighbors Jason and Kristin who were also grilling. Yay neighbors. We watched Mad Men while enjoying our food.

Monday April 27th a pretty basic day. Had work, then practices and then ate some soup. Beth and I redboxed, The Theory of Everything, a Stephen Hawking documentary. It was a pretty good movie in which I actually learned a fair amount about Hawking's early life and his development of ALS. I highly suggest this movie, for the acting of Eddie Redmayne was phenomenal. And you guessed it, it is the movie of the week!

Video of the Week: The boys are back! Get excited with this Deer Tick live concert from NY

3 more games for the cats ahead, as well as more for the kids. Lax on
