Taco Tuesday on a Monday

This week was all about lacrosse and good foods. It started off on Monday 3/14 when Rachel and I made some very tasty tacos with a side of corn & green chili. Nothing like having taco Tuesday a day early on a Monday.

Song of the Week: Been listening to a good amount of Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole lately. Back on the Rap game.

A day later on Tuesday was my first game as a varsity coach. We were doing really well and were up 10-7 with four minutes left in the game. They scored two quick goals and got the ball back after we turned it over with 30 seconds left. They called timeout, went downfield and put the ball in the net to tie it with 6 seconds left. With the momentum on their side we went to overtime and gave up the game winning goal about a minute in. Tough way to start the season and the varsity coaching career, but we will make the changes needed to succeed and win in the future!

On Thursday I picked up Rachel from work and we headed over to Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder for a delicious dinner consisting of Pizza Pot Pies and Meatball Grinder Subs. Unlike last time we went, we didn't have to wait at all and were seated right away! We also had a different person seat us, which confirms the guy who doesn't write down names, just remembers the order that people came in by faces, does not work all the time.

This past weekend the cats played in a lax tournament. It was really the tale of 2 days. Day 1, we looked pretty terrible and lost all 3 games to teams we really should not have lost to. On day 2, the coaching staff made some changes and we dominated, winning both games we played by a hefty margin. Hopefully we can continue this trend before spring break as we have 2 games this upcoming week!

We had tacos again on Saturday night as we celebrated Torie's birthday! She made some tasty tacos at her place and then we went to the IO theater to see the Improvised Shakespeare Comedy Show. It was pretty funny as they talked in old English Shakespeare accents and told the tale of the Merchant of K-Mart. I think Rachel and I were both disappointed they only had the audience interact at the very beginning, but I guess that is how some comedy skits work. I also was not sure if some of the jokes were not funny, or my poor ability to interpret Shakespearean tongues caused me to miss some jokes. I have never been very good at English class and was running a little behind on parts of it, but overall it was a really funny show that everyone enjoyed! Afterwards we headed to Sully's and then closed the night out at Franks with Mary, Alex, Aly, & Jeff. Gotta love Franks! Beep Boop Beep Boop!

Video of the Week: Found this pretty dope video of a guy doing some crazy creative skateboarding tricks. This guy is definitely my new favorite skater; maybe I'll get the board out and try some...

Movie of the Week: Another double feature this week. Watched Heaven Adores You which is a documentary about the late Elliott Smith. Great look into his life and how he came to get so popular in the music world. I also watched Jurassic World with my sister and Dad this week. A top notch, action packed movie about dinos that probably ranks 2nd amount Jurassic Park movies, only to the original of course. Check these both out if you haven't seen them yet.

See ya next week, blog back on track

Go Cats

