Video Editor Frustration Nation

Well, you may have noticed I have not made any YouTube videos for some months now. Partially because I was enjoying my life, getting married, and going on a phenomenal honeymoon. But in larger part it is thanks to good ole Windows.

I have been using Windows 7 the last 6 years on my new (old now) computer and have been loving it. All of my programs were working great, I was using Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11 flawlessly for the last 4 years, life was grand. Then around March 17th 2016, while I was out and about doing life, Windows decided to automatically update my computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10. And S#!t hit the fan.

They gave me no opportunity to say no since I was not home at the time and my computer was on. I guess that was my first mistake. I thought I would test out Windows 10 in hopes that it would somehow be a good replacement for my flawless Windows 7. This was my biggest mistake because eventually I got to the point where I could no longer revert back to windows 7. I had saved too many new files, moved files around, and installed new programs. I was at the point of no return.

This was an awful point to be at once I realized the consequences of my decision. Whenever I would try to open my Sony Vegas editing program it would give me an error message and then freeze. I could not click on anything in the program, I couldn't open anything up, in fact, the only thing I could do was CRTL+ALT+DELETE and then end the process. Not even end the task, but the process. Such a pain.

I spent a few months periodically trying to figure out a solution to this problem, but I still, 5 months later, cannot find one. I guess it is time to move on to the next one. Here is a little recap about the video editing software I have used.

Our first videos were merely just filmed all the way through, and no editing was done. Once we began to get the videos on the computer, we edited using the standard Windows Movie Maker, which was alright for a free program, but was limited and very unstable. Starting in 2007 we began to use Pinnacle Studio Plus: Version 11, a decent program, but eventually it became outdated and unstable as well. In April 2012, we upgraded again, this time to Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11, it is our current editing program, and we have yet to find out all the great things you can do with it.

The last video I was able to finish editing and posted to YouTube was this Vanessa Carlton show Rachel and I went to back in November. The video was posted on March 12, 2016. Over 5 months ago. Where has the time gone?

The last project I was working on was The Weeks show I went to way back in February. Since then I have been to multiple Deer Tick shows, had a Wedding, gone on a Honeymoon, and went to other concerts. Not to mention all of the videos I had in the queue from years past. A lot of projects, now sitting and collecting even more dust.

So there you have it. Will I be on to my fourth editing program now that Sony Vegas won't work? Should I keep trying to fix it? Maybe reinstall windows on my computer and reinstall every program? I think it may be time for a new computer and new editing program. I have used the current Sony Vegas for 4 years now and my computer is 6 years old.

Any suggestions anyone? Mac? PC? FCP? Premiere? If anyone has any suggestions for computers or editing programs, let me know!


