
On Tuesday November 18th I stopped by my Grandma's on the way home from work and had a delicious dinner of rolladen while spending time with family. Kirsten was in town from Germany so it was good catching up with her. I dropped her off at her hotel on my way home and called it an early night, still recovering from a cough.

Wednesday November 19th was a simple day and I watched some Video Game High School. Done with season 2! Now watch this hilarious Tosh.0 skit making fun of Sports Center for ripping off his segment.

Thursday November 20th Rachel and I got an edible arrangement from a mystery person who turned out to be her 2 friends Michele and Ashely. So nice of them to send such a treat! We enjoyed the fruit with our Dinty Moore Stew dinner over rice. Stewtastic reminding us of fresh stew under the blanket of stars in Colorado when we were camping. That night we started the show Mad Men and watched the first 2 episodes about advertising writers in New York in the late 1950s / early 1960s. I watched some Always Sunny right before bed as well. Funny show.

Friday November 21st I started the morning by loading up some Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and prestiged for the 2nd time. I had been sitting at rank 70 and figured I would start over. Why not? The game is like 8 years old anyway and I haven't played since 2011. That night I got home from work and Brian came over around 11 pm to play some N64. We decided to load up Diddy Kong Racing and ended up playing ever single level / trophy race / battle zone possible. After all probably 50 races or so, Brian was doing well, except in hover levels, I still had not come in first, and it was nearing 1:30AM. So Brian said, you will win this last race. We picked the first level and I was in the lead for most of the race. Brian was just sitting near the finish line with rockets loaded up, taking out the computer players to secure my win. Then on the last lap I lost the lead and with the finish line in sight, I sat in second place. Brian, thinking the race was over, began to spray rockets toward us. One of the rockets hit the computer player in first place and I zoomed past him and across the finish line at the last second, FIRST PLACE! We both erupted in cheers and high fived. An incredible ending to a night of sucking.

On Saturday November 22nd, Rachel and I hit up the Jewel and did some grocery shopping. While we were in there we got some free tastes of vodka and given 2 free blue moon glasses. What a start to the shopping trip! Afterwards we prepared a salad, and my Aunt Elaine's peanut butter bars for dessert to bring over to Torie's for Friendsgiving!

Around 3:30 we hopped on the L and headed over to Torie's. We got there around 4pm, enjoyed drinks and appetizers with friends as we waited for the monster 20 lb turkey to finish cooking. Around 5:30pm the turkey was carved and the people began to fill their plates with turkey, mac & cheese, cheesy potatoes, grandmas gravy, salad, asparagus, a few other things I don't remember now, & of my peanut butter bars of course. After dinner, we had some apple pie shots topped with whipped cream as well as some apple crisp. Warm and filling!

After some card games and spoons at Torie's we headed over to Cody's for Chris's birthday around 10pm. We finished off the night by buying Schlitz beers for $2.75 and actually buying them out of it. No Deer Tick on the juke box, but some other decent bands and tunes. We got a cab home and called it a night.

Sunday November 23rd started off with a Jack's pizza for breakfast, followed up by 2 McDoubles delivered by Squid for lunch. Squid hopped over to hang out and help us clean and plan after hanging out with her friends the night before. Around 3 I drove us back to Naperville and I worked for a few hours. When I arrived back home I cooked up some meatballs and we had toasted meatball subs with tasty crinkle fries for dinner whiling watching another 2 episodes of Mad Men.

Monday November 24th was a big day as I finally got us renters insurance, so now if the place burns down we are covered. Solid! I also spent the morning watching an episode of American Horror Story season 4, and afternoon working on and finishing my fourth Luta Lax video. Some beach lax from earlier this summer with Cam, Nolan, Rach, & Beth. Check it out!

Since I had the day off, I was able to get a lot done around the apartment and am feeling relatively organized. Rachel and I cooked up some tacos for dinner. Succulent as they were topped with onions, peppers, lettuce, cheese, & rice. A few more episodes of Mad Men and the night was over.

A big night in America as the police officer from the Michael Brown Ferguson Case was not indicted and the town has continued to riot and burn down the city. Here is a clipping from the trial from Darren Wilson's POV. It reads like a movie script and will be interesting to get to the whole case. It also bothers me how the media portrays Mr. Brown as a poor innocent little kid, this is him an hour before robbing a convenient store. He doesn't look so little, 6'4 300lbs. But at the same time some of the facts from the officers side of the story seem a little too real to be true and his face only showed minor damage. Crazy stuff and a very interesting case that has a sad ending regardless of how much the media twists both sides stories and how much both sides lie.

Thanksgiving next week, family and friend time! Also looking to finish the highly anticipated Snow Mounds!

Enjoy the holiday!

