Mound Town

Tuesday December 2nd, Rachel and I finished season 1 of Mad Men, loving the show so far. I also played some Super Mario 64 on this day. Check out our new sweaters we got! PS: I put this picture here so it would be the main blog pic. Hashtag Blog problems. Now enjoy this Deer Tick Holiday Song while you read about my life.

On Wednesday December 3rd, I had some old expired eggs in the morning and the whole afternoon I had stomach issues. Finding myself in the bathroom every 5 minutes to let what surely was not poop out of my stomach. I blame the eggs. I watched some Always Sunny in Philadelphia that night, as well as the movie Snowpiercer. Snowpiercer is set in a post apocalyptic future and takes place on a train. Basically the train is the only thing left on earth, as everything outside has froze, and there is a society within the train, including a class system, rich in the front, poor in the back. That sentence had a lot of commas and I am unsure if they were used correctly. Anyway, great movie, and if you have Netflix I highly suggest a watch!

Thursday December 4th I had a NV lax meeting and then came home to an empty home, so I loaded up Snow Mounds into my editing system, had some gummies and a couple beers and popped out this instant classic of a Jcubed video. Enjoy our first B&W silent film. Welcome to Mound Town

On Friday December 5th Rachel and I spent the morning and afternoon looking at potential wedding venues, driving all over. I then had work, and that night Rachel picked me up from work and brought me some homemade beef sandwiches my mother had made for me. Delicious as I drove over to Rachel's parents to spend the night.

Saturday December 6th, the full cold moon, was another day of wedding venue exploring with a McDonald's trip in between. Basically weddings are overwhelming and people plan way too far out so there are very few dates left, so we shall join them, aka wedding will now be in 2016 sometime! More info to come at a later date. That night Rachel made us some tasty Jack's pizza and I dominated some Call of Duty MW2 on the computer. Yes I am a PC gamer, lame I know, and yes I am still playing Call of Duty from 2008. Ball so hard.

Sunday December 7th, a day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor remembrance while I slum around the apartment. Made a pasta sausage lunch meal that was tasty, played some more COD, and went out and bought a new lamp to add some vibrancy to the main living space. Rachel and I had some Pot Belly flat sandwiches for dinner while watching the Lego Movie. What a great film. After Rachel headed to bed and I couldn't sleep so I watched some Mad Men and American Horror Story Season 4.

On Monday December 8th Christmas came early, as our Deer Tick Sweaters arrived and we couldn't be happier with them! Check em out above.

I started American Horror Story Season 3 as it was just released on Netflix and watched some more Always Sunny as I strung some Christmas lights at my parents house and in my old bedroom! Weird to say it is my old bedroom! Adulthood!

Also check out this hilarious list of Acronyms Yahoo claims Parents need to know about their kids and texting. There was a more appropriate list above this that reminded me of the AOL days like (PIR) Parent In Room and stuff like that. This NSFW list is absolutely hilarious and I highly doubt anyone texts this stuff.

With that being said GYPO and TDTM, we will see you next week.

YaBoy Josh