Chili on Chili

So this will a shorter blog, as a little less has been going on.


After a lot of training and website work at 1223, I started the weekend off right with a Fox Valley Team Bonding get together, Pizza and adult beverages. Thank you team mom! It was great to meet a handful of parents, as well as the players. This year should be fun and very enjoyable, considering what I was sent home with from the first team party! Did I mention I love my team mom? This party ended a little earlier than it should have, considering we had to be up for practice to start at 7 AM. My first practice went well, we have a lot of talent and what seems to be a great group of kids, so I look forward to the year, as I have even scheduled an extra practice for tomorrow already! Gotta love coaching kids who listen, enjoy the game, and work hard! Should be an amazing season, with our first tournament on President's Day, this coming Monday. 

However, this past weekend, Rachel & I went over to Brian's in Wrigleyville to meet up with some friends. We started off just watching some of the Olympics on TV and chatting it up. As more friends showed up, we began to play Cards for Humanity. As the night wore on, a beer called Billy's Chilies was brought out, initially for me. I took a sip and wow did it taste like a tamale, so I passed it around and everyone took one sip, at least 8 people drinking only down to the neck of the bottle.


As the bottle of Billy's Chilies sat in the middle of the table, either someone dared Rachel to drink it, or she asked how much someone would give her if she downed it. Brian and another fine gentleman put $10 into the pot, Rachel picked up the Billy's Chilies and slammed it all home, in one chug. Well that went down easy! She snagged the $10 bucks and after a minute or two another Billy's Chilies made its way out and people were asking how much it would take her to chug another one. I could barely have one sip of this and I immediately lost my appetite, so I could not imagine chugging one, let alone two! After another $15 made its way on to the table, Rachel picked up the other Billy's Chilies and drank it all again in one chug. Impressive! After she was done, she said, "we can take a cab home now" and then we put on our coats and headed home...via cab. What a champ! Love my crazy girl! Oh I should also mention that Rachel won Cards for Humanity, an all out winner for the night!


YaBoys are back at it for 2014 with our second video! Rachel, John, Johnny, Brian,  and I all had a Big Chili Cookoff to start the year. Here is the finished product of the video. Jerome Bettis would be proud of this chili.


We have had a record setting amount of snow this year, but this video below, is from one of the first big snow falls of the year. Only a trailer, but a solid one, and should be another great video, and our first of 2014. Enjoy. Oh and the mound is still out there after almost two months. About time I build a couple more?

Welcome to Mound Town A true story about two men, their dog, & some snow. Coming soon.

After putting in a lot of hours for the 1223 Lacrosse website, it is finally starting to take shape. Check it out if you have some time and see what we have to offer! I love doing the graphic work and website design for it. Need to get back to some videos and balance it within all the social media I am working with. 


Valentine's Day coming up, should be another great week of 2014!

