It's Gonna Rain

Tuesday May 5th, Cinco De Mayo~! Was spent with another Cats victory, some McDonald's for lunch and dinner at the crib. Rach and I watched Legally Blonde while I worked on an Apaches video from 2013. I was unable to release it for awhile, since we were using prototype sticks, so I didn't edit it for awhile, but I finished it so, check out the video!

On Wednesday May 6th I coached and slept, that was about it.

Thursday May 7th was spent indulging in 2 McChickens for lunch and then headed to Caesers that evening with Rachel, Mary, Jeff, and Aly for some Killer Margaritas. There was quite an ordeal when they charged us $2 extra for steak in our torta, when it didn't have the extra price next to the meal. We were outraged, but had our drinks for an expensive price, so we were happy.

Friday May 8th it stormed right after our Cats practice. That evening I headed over to Jackie's to meet up with some friends for a little bit of True American. Rachel met me there!

On Saturday May 9th our tournament got cancelled because of the storms the night before, so we had some indoor games. We then headed out for a Mother's Day lunch with the family. I got the belt buster burger. It busted my belt as I could only finish half of it. We headed to church afterwards. That night I watched Loyola of Chicago repeat as Volleyball National Champions. They took on Lewis in a 5 set instant classic. Illinois volleyball rules

Sunday May 10th my tournament was cancelled again, as it was raining all day again, but we had a few more indoor games. I headed back to the city, had some soup for lunch then cleaned around the apartment and edited. I watched Godzilla 2014 and made some pasta for dinner. Yum. Here is the video I finished editing that day

Monday May 11th began just as the weekend ended. Practice was cancelled, it has been raining a lot here lately. I finished two book by Orson Scott Card on audiotape this day as well. Shadows in Flight and A War of Gifts. Both books were much shorter than his previous novels but still had a great story line. They are in line with the Ender Wiggin series. That evening Rachel and I headed to Trader Joes and then cooked up some chicken ceesar salad wraps for dinner. They were delicious. We also watched the first episode of the Sherlock series. Pretty good!

MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Godzilla 2014

VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Another Froggy Fresh (Krispy Kreme) Classic. John hooked this one up. Go Bulls!

Lacrosse makes my life busy, big game next week against the top team in state. Go Cats.
