Camera Stress & Old Man Laughs!

The last 24 hours for me have been quite stressful. With a dirty Canon 60D sensor, I took it into my own hands to clean it, ordering a cleaning kit offline. Yesterday I attempted to clean my sensor on my camera, they say you shouldn't even do it yourself, let a professional do it, since the sensor is so fragile. And if you do clean it yourself, touch it as limited as possible and with the correct materials. Well lets just say after multiple failed attempts to clean my sensor, I touched it and tried to clean it probably over 25 times. Huge mistake and probably worst decision of the year. I guess at least I didn't try to wash it in the sink or dishwasher? 


It all seemed rather easy to clean though, just a few blows of air onto the sensor, 2 simple swipes, and voila, a cleaned and beautiful sensor is back in action. Not my case :(

After freaking out for nearly the whole morning yesterday, I finally got the pictures looking back to how they were looking before I attempted this awful cleaning process. Let's just say I hope and pray that my camera is still functional at its highest capacity and despite my ignorance and stupidity it still properly functions for the future. Otherwise I'll be out another grand to buy a new one.

There is only one thing to blame for this whole stressful process, and that is dust. Little dust particles somehow got into my camera and landed on the sensor, hence showing up in my pictures and causing this whole debacle. This experience makes me realize my overall dislike for dust. Dust is annoying, It is always there and reoccurring. I look to my left at 13 new 8x10s I printed out from Europe & Australia and think, these are starting to be covered in dust right now. How annoying. 

My Auntie Frieda past away this past weekend as well. Even when living a full and long life, death is always a tough thing to cope with, but being there for your family is always helpful and important. She was always so nice and sweet to everyone. We love you! Rest in peace Auntie Frieda. 

Despite this sad news and super stressful morning I had yesterday, the past week has been enjoyable and fun!


Yesterday was the first day of the "Master's Open" and wow did we get a good turnout at 1223 Lacrosse. About 30 old timer dad's came out and tested their hand at the game all of their kids play. One word to describe this event, hilarious. I had a smile on my face the whole time it was happening and couldn't stop laughing. Good to see my "old man" standing between the pipes again! He stood tall and had a bunch of saves. I am happy that this league is taking place and he can play at a pace more suitable for him, versus college kids running down and shooting 90+ mph on the run at him. Do work Dad! Some pictures below highlighting the night.



In other big news, it looks like I am going to be an Uncle, again! My brother Danny and his wife Sarah just announced that their 9 month old Sophia is going to be a big sister! How exciting! Sarah is due sometime in October and we all look forward to adding another member to the family! 


Creative picture showing their feet and then baby shoes! Sophia is getting so big!


This past week marks the 3 year anniversary of the Ice Storm my senior year at Adrian College on February 21, 2011. As we slept ice rained down from the heavens, coating the college campus in a two inch sheet of ice. The ice was so heavy it snapped tree branched off, took down power lines, and shut down the school for the day. 6am lacrosse practice was cancelled that morning, and so was school, so I spent the day going campus taking video and pictures, documenting the whole thing. These two videos were made and provide great memories!

That day, we were able to scavenge some food at Richie as we sat in the dark, eating cereal, which was the only thing available. Later that night Nolan, Dave, and I were hanging out in Olivia & Erin's room when we got an email saying we were to have practice that night at 11pm since the power had just come back on. This was the worst news all day and really put a damper on the next hour before practice. On top of this, we were to have practice the next morning at 6am the next morning as well. At that point I made my decision, and let's just say that 6am practice was the only one I ever missed, and I don't regret it despite the punishment.


Last week I said I filmed Benedictine scrimmage Judson and was editing the game film. Well, here it is. My official first men's lacrosse game highlight that I filmed. It came out pretty well I think. I posted it to some forums and got some good feedback on how to improve for next time, including: adding white flashes for rough transitions, working on pan movements, adding a hero to some of goal clips by focusing on the player after he scores/goalie after a save, & keeping the artsy shots to a minimum if it is just for a highlight video. 


My sister, the journalism major at Mizzou in her final semester, just got back to blogging and gives me some recognition for getting her back on track! Check out her blog, as she is a much much better writer than I!

Hockeypucks & Cupcakes

This weekend I spent Saturday evening drinking beers and watching season 3 of EastBound & Down featuring Kenny Powers with Rachel & her brother Rob. I had never seen the show before, but we watched the whole third season and it was pretty darn funny. Rachel's Dad also provided us with some takeout Chili's for dinner. Tasty!

Tomorrow, Wednesday I am going to watch Adrian play Aurora at Aurora at 5:30pm. This will be my first Adrian game since I graduated. Kinda sad, but I have been busy in the spring the past 3 years with Fox Valley and they haven't played out here since my senior year. I plan to film the game, but the high for the day is also 10 degrees, so we shall see. Go Bulldogs!

I have some big plans for taping lacrosse games and editing game film. Good things to come from MalutaVision!

Until next week!

