TV on TV

Tuesday December 16th, Rachel makes us a delicious pork dinner and we watch some Mad Men.

On Wednesday December 17th, I watched a bunch of American Horror Story Season 3 and did Laundry. Exciting times.

Thursday December 18th I finished up American Horror Story Season 3. Lots of TV in my life this week.

On Friday December 19th, Rachel visited me at work and then a nice lax dad, Ray, took us out for some dinner at Rancheros where I had a Modelo and some wings, chips, and quesadillas. A nice and pleasant Christmas gift. Grandpa Bob, Beth, & Mom & Dad then visited me at work while we were out. I told them to wait and they did which was nice, so I could show them where I work. After work we went home and watched some Maluta Home Videos. Great times with Grandpa Bob and the fam.

Saturday December 20th was a busy day of shopping for Christmas gifts, realizing the mall is super creepy, and hating department stores since they have kids running the registers who have no abilities to do anything and require "manager" approvals for all these things. Yea we waited in line at Macy's for over 30 minutes with 3 people in front of us. Luckily what we got was FREE! We had some pizza for dinner at my parents which hit the spot then headed over to our friend Michelle's place for her birthday party for a little bit. I started the party off by beating a semi-drunk guy in Super Smash Bros, battle of the pickachu's and then I also "assisted" by watching them "break" into a girls car who was at the party and locked her keys in the car. Luckily these guys were auto-repair guys so they knew what they were doing, but I also realized how easy it is to break into a car. Woah! We then headed home and I started to watch The Walking Dead.

On Sunday December 21st I played a fair amount of Call of Duty MW2, still behind on the times, and then watched Elf with Rachel while we wrapped some presents. After picking up the final ingredients we had a delicious baked mostaccioli dish for dinner. So good and cheesy. That night we watched some more of Mad Men and I watched more of The Walking Dead. Starting to like the show!

Monday December 22nd was a busy day at work with some private lessons, and then picked up gas on the way home for $2.04. The lowest gas has been in over 5 years people are saying. Pretty awesome and an early Christmas present for us adults. I finished up season one of The Walking Dead at night.

A pretty boring week, but Christmas is ahead! Get excited, Santa is on his way! Now enjoy a few funny videos I found this week.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Be sure to watch some Christmas classics:
Elf, A Christmas Story, The Grinch, Die Hard, Home Alone, & The Polar Express
