Give Thanks

Tuesday November 25th, I finished my latest audio book, Catch 22. A classic novel that invented the phrase That's a Catch 22. The book was pretty good, about airplane pilots and their struggle to complete all the necessary missions without being crazy, taking place during World War II. When I got home from work I realized I forgot my parking pass, had to end up writing a note in my window and praying my car would still be there in the morning.

Wednesday November 26th, short lived anticipation, my car was there. After a free lax day at work, I picked up some Beck's Black Sapphire Beers and celebrated Black Wednesday with my friends in Brian's basement. The idea was proposed that we go to DT napes like we did the year prior, but I vetoed the idea and explained how after 5 minutes of being out amongst the crowds we left for a friends basement, so why not just cut out that middle step? We played some ping pong & cards against humanity. Brian's dad was kind enough to bring us down chips and dip, popcorn, and other treats. Thank you Keith, but no thanks to you Brian, JK thanks for having us over. Check out the funniest card of the night in my opinion.

Thursday November 27th was here. Thanksgiving. Rachel and I spent our first Thanksgiving together, and ended up doing the double Thanksgiving which I was not disappointed in since I got double meals. It was wonderful spending time with both sides of our family, although it felt a little strange having to either leave early or arrive late, but was a pleasant day overall. I guess I can say what I am thankful for as well. I am thankful for the most wonderful woman in the world, my fiance Rachel, my family, friends, and enjoying every minute of this wonderful life that I have been blessed with. After the meals, we went out and got some black friday shopping deals. Most of the crowds were gone by 9 pm and all them dvds we wanted were still around, so it was a success hitting up Walmart, Target, & Meijer. Also we picked up a sweet mirror, some tupperware, and a whole bunch of frames. Wow am I becoming more and more adult every day or what?

On Friday November 28th, I went to work and then hit up some Black Friday Shopping Deals again, stopping at Disc Replay and Target. Picked up 9 movies for $19 bucks so that was solid, even though the more and more I buy, I think how my collection will soon be obsolete with all these streaming options and digital movies. But I guess some people did the same with VHS and still watch those so... long live the DVD! Everyone at my parents house seemed a bit under the weather, so I cooked up some soup for dinner and then Beth and I watched Despicable Me 2. I ended up falling asleep on the couch around 8 and eventually made my way to my own bed and slept many hours.

Saturday November 29th was a big day for Rachel and I as we checked out our first wedding venues with my mom and both her parents. We then had lunch at the Morton Arboretum, I picked up that Caribbean Jerk Chicken Sandwich. The cafeteria style restaurant reminded me of good old Richie Marketplace and even came equipped with lunch trays. Lovely.  Rachel and I did some more wedding planning once back at the rents house and then realized I couldn't go get the pizza we had ordered since I had one too many wines, so my dad drove. Rosati's pizza for dinner. Around 8 pm I headed over to Phil's for some Halo action. After a couple of games, and a couple of drinks, Rachel finally agreed to play and we had fun playing halo until about 1:30am. Rachel and I had some pretty awesome names, guess which ones they were below! We then played some fusion frenzy and ended with drinking games and got back to my place around 3:30a.

On the last day of November Rachel and I celebrated the end of the month with a trip to McDonalds, 2 mcchickens and a mcdouble for yaboy. We took care of some things around our place and then had a tasty chili chicken dinner over rice. We then entertained ourselves with 4 episodes of Mad Men. Nearing the end of season 1.

On the first day of December, I added to my photo collection with some new frames I got on black friday.

I ended the first day of December decorating my sister's room with a plethora of Christmas lights. Photos here!

A semi-relaxing week ahead!? Snow Mounds nearing completion!
