Derby Bets

Song of the Week: Not Peanut Butter Jelly Time, but Peanut Butter Jelly.

The Kentucky Derby happened the other weekend. We were celebrating Mother's Day and placed some family bets. Anna came away with the $11.36 pot! Rich girl

Cats are on an 8 game win streak heading into the playoffs! Let's do it boys!

Obviously mass amount of Wedding Planning (90% being done by Rachel) has been happening, oh and some dance lessons too! Woo Woo! Only 20 days until the big day!

After only 9 months on Waze (the GPS app) I made it into the top 1% of the state. I am officially Royalty. This is the only 1% I will ever be apart of.

Video of the Week: Double feature with a Hometown Chicago Skate company as well as our boy Jonny Fritz aka Jonny Corndawg telling his story about his running life.

Movie of the Week: I was able to watch San Andreas featuring the Rock! It was a pretty decent end of the world type of film where the San Andreas fault goes crazy and California is in for quite the shock! Watch it!

My final word is that aliens are perhaps taking over my mind. It was a late night at my parents and I was laying in bed and a annoying alien buzzing noise was coming from outside and wouldn't stop! Aliens!

Crazy Wedding happenings are going on, as well as the end of lax season. Stay tuned for 1 more blog before the wedding! Maybe two if we are lucky!


Enjoy life

