
Welcome to the longest blog of all time

(many of the pictures in this blog are in a slideshow, be sure to click a pic to see more pictures)

Wednesday August 13, 2014

I pack for Colorado. This is also the 20th anniversary of living in our current house. We watch old home movies with the family, seeing clips of the house before it was built. I love how my parents (mostly mom) have tons of video of us from when we were kids. It is so cool to go back and revisit those memories. I hope to do the same for my kids some day. This is definitely where I get my video/photo skills from. Thanks Mom!

Thur 8/14

I of course waited last minute to pack my own things, so spent the day packing again, finally finishing late at night and heading to bed at midnight.

Fri 8/15

Leaving at 4:30 am Friday

Leaving at 4:30 am Friday

Wake at 4 am and leave at 4:30am.

I drive all the way to Omaha – 7 hours. Listening to CD mixes we made, as well as some NPR radio talk. Pretty boring drive, although Iowa is much hillier than I would have thought.

John and Rachel both drive the rest of the way. Jmon went and got his license revoked so he won’t be driving this trip. We stop at a janky gas station in Colorado where a lady starts to leave carrying trash as we pull up. We kinda stare at her as she walks away after she locks the station doors and then she starts to come back so we walk toward her. She makes some dumb rude comment about how we see her leave and try to go inside? Well yea lady, it’s called customer service, which you have none. I had a weird feeling about the whole thing so only put in about 20 bucks worth of gas, enough to get us to a normal gas station. The Weird mean lady at the gas station in Colorado gave us a bad first impression of the state. But the landscape was absolutely gorgeous. We pulled over to the side and snapped a couple of quick photos after pumping our gas.

Deer Tick hooking it up with additional tickets!

Deer Tick hooking it up with additional tickets!

As we were driving, we realized we would be able to make the Deer Tick concert that night at BlueBird, but then saw it is sold out, so I leave them a message on facebook. At this point we felt so disappointed, we make the drive in record time, plenty of time to make the show, but there are no tickets. How could this happen!? To our fortune, Deer Tick responds a couple hours later saying they just added 50 additional tickets. We secure 4 tickets for the show. What an incredible amazing band, spirits were at an all time high for the rest of the drive.

We then arrived to our super ghetto 8 hotel at 6:15pm. After putting some stuff in the hotel, we try to get some dinner at Panera, but line is too long so we head over to Arby’s. Reminds me of childhood and getting them 5 for $5. No longer though. Paid about 4 bucks for one Arby’s Beef, still tasty.

We got back to the hotel and ordered a cab to come pick us up. The cab driver kept calling the place “Little blue bird” and gave us some general knowledge of the area, pretty cool guy.

While waiting in line for the doors to open, we see all the members of the band walk by outside, and no one really said anything to them, which is a bit weird, but also pretty cool. I felt like we were hanging with them, but clearly we weren’t. Here is a blurry picture. We also saw their tour van parked out front.

The Blue Bird was a very cool small bar type of venue with staggered level seating. We chose a spot a few rows back, but on a step up, so we had a clear view with no tall people in our way. I swear everyone in Denver was 6 feet and above, thank goodness we had this elevated view.

Dead Man Winter, Trampled by Turtles smaller side band opened up for Deer Tick, and they put on a solid show. Then Deer Tick took the stage and played the most amazing, incredible, jam filled set I have ever seen. It was by far the best concert I have ever seen played. Deer Tick jams out to a 10 minute version of mange, my favorite song. I had wrote MANGE at the end of my thank you post to them earlier in the day, perhaps they were inspired? The whole show was absolutely rocking and I still couldn’t get down from my high from Mange. I need to find that version somewhere. Ian and John just going shoulder to shoulder jamming out, Dennis going hard on the drums with brother Chris slapping that bass while the man behind the keys (only guy I don’t know his name, oo it’s Rob) jams away. Breathtaking.

We headed home a bit after midnight ending our 20 hour day, we went straight to bed when getting home, although I admit I was still amped up from the show and couldn’t fall asleep for a little bit. Check out some photos from the show.

Sat 8/16

Wake up at 10 am and shower. Then drive to downtown Denver and walk around and take photos on the 16th street mall. The mall reminds me of Las Ramblas in Barcelona, small little shops, people selling things, no cars. We stop at a couple of souvenir shops and see people protesting to save the bees. We get stickers. Denver was a quiet city that I really enjoyed despite my initial thoughts, sounds typical of me!

16th street Mall

16th street Mall

3 hikers in the big city

3 hikers in the big city



Cool spire thing

Cool spire thing

This is the day I also fell in love with the Colorado logo and its colors. The yellow circle, with the Red C, with a blue and white background is a great composition. I love it.

Then we began our hunt for a candy shop. After a little bit of confusion, we found ourselves walking over to the Walking Raven (oh the irony!). I pick up the car and meet the others there. Small little joint, where we pick up 2 cookies and a bottle of gummies each. Yay candy!

When we drive back to our hotel, almost running out of gas, we finally find a station where we put in medium grade gas, which in Colorado is 87. In Illinois unleaded is 87 where in Colorado it is 85. And don’t even get me started about the “clean air” gas in Iowa. Confusing stuff. We then walk to jimmy johns and for the first time in my Jimmy Johns career I get the JJ Gargantuan. Brings me back to my college days, raiding to JJ with Nolan, but I had never got this delicious sub before since I was on a tight budget back then. The sub was everything I dreamed of, layer upon layer of meat, quite the combo.

After a short cat nap, John’s friend Melissa meets us at our hotel and I drive us all over to red rocks. A beautiful drive up the red rocks layering the park, and we find a parking spot. We indulge in a brownie which hits the spot about 2 hours later. No cameras are allowed in the venue despite our Asian girl tourist efforts (thanks Melissa). We decide to enter at the top of the outdoor theater to take in the incredible view. The venue is absolutely gorgeous. It is so beautiful and majestic. The best outdoor setting for a concert in America and maybe even the world! (I can compare to Midwest Bank & Solider Field….) We find our seats in the 56th or 65th row or something and relax waiting for Deer Tick. The theater is so cool because the seats are carved out of the stone and built right into the red rocks.

Deer Tick comes out to the Weird Al song Bed Rock and are dressed as the Flinstones. Couldn’t tell if they were making fun of themselves or were just being funny, either way it was hilarious and John introduced themselves as the Flintstones. They played a great 45 minute set, ending with The Rock followed by Crying Shame. Some of our favorites like Clownin Around, These Old Shoes, & Baltimore Blues were played as well. A more “folk” set from these guys considering the setting and the bands they were opening for. Special guest, John McCauley’s wife, Vanessa Carlton, made an appearance as well, singing her duet with her husband. Pitch perfect.

Then we noticed how beautiful and amazing the clouds in the background look. They are producing all kinds of shadows and images over the mountains. We see kangaroos, Hitler, & a dinosaur. Very trippy. Now that I think about it, this cloud viewing was actually before Deer Tick. The next band was Devil Makes Three. They were pretty good and very folky but got your foot tapping and the crowd bumping. Rach and I had to use the bathroom about halfway through so we checked out the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame under the stands.

Trampled by Turtles then came out and stole the show. They played all their hits and sounded absolutely amazing in the amphitheater. The rock looked majestic with the light shining on it.

That night we drove back and hit the hay, pretty darn tired.

Sun 8/17

We woke up at 9am and headed to Boulder to meet up with Melissa. We picked up some Smash Burger for lunch and met Melissa at Target, where we picked up some essentials like canned fruit and food for the camping trip.  Then we drove to Rocky Mountain National Park through the beautiful mountains to our campsite. The ranger at the gate told us we had a really good camp site, and she wasn’t lying. Our site was in the very back of the park, a good distance from any other site. Shoutout to John for picking this amazing site. The view was absolutely incredible, we were basically in a valley with mountains all around, including a very rocky mountain to the South? Longs Peak perhaps!?. Once we soaked in the view, we struggled for 2 hours to set up our tents. Not as easy as it was in the backyard where the ground was nice and soft. But needless to say, we got the tents up! While waiting for Melissa and Jmon to come back with some firewood and ice, John, Rachel, & I were sitting up on a rock formation behind our site when two graceful deer began to approach over a hill, eating berries and grass as they walked. The continued to come toward us and I was able to snap some amazing photos, probably over 200, with these deer less than 10 feet away. Jmon and Melissa got back in time to see these beautiful creatures as well.

After this incredible deer experience to start off the camping, we decided to do a little off trail hiking up the side of the mountain right behind our site. We were climbing up rocks, brush, and dirt to get to a “crag” as John and Melissa call any rock formation that sticks out. I am pretty sure they got this term from the Nickelodeon tv show Guts and the “Aggro crag.” We got to the top of the crag and took in the beautiful view, where we could see our campsite a ways away. Climbing down proved to be a little more difficult, but we all survived our first hike without a scratch, except some thorns in the socks.

Back at the site we finally got the fire going and were set to have our first meal of the camping trip. Cooking over a camp fire we found to be pretty easy when the fire pit had a grate to cook over. We just removed the paper wrapping (someone had the bright idea to remind us) and let it simmer. For quite some time before it got hot enough to enjoy. Delicious. Dinty Moore Stew suggested by the Hyma family proved to be as tasty as they described.

An amazing thing that we found out about being so high in the mountains is that things will inflate. We brought a flat football to through around since I couldn't find a pump at the last minute. When we pulled it out to throw around at the camp site, it was fully inflated. I asked John and Johnny if they had pumped it up but they had not. The high atmosphere can do amazing things. I guess this is also why our bags of trail mix and bag of marshmallows were inflated as well.

That night, I was able to take some stunning photos of the night sky. Out in the Rocky Mountains the stars are so prominent. I have seen more stars here than I ever have before. Jmon played some music on his guitar while we stayed warm around the fire and gazed up at the beautiful night sky.

Mon 8/18

The next morning, I was one of the first to awake. The first night sleeping outdoors wasn’t too shabby. It was a bit chilly, but once inside your sleeping bag and your tent, you stay relatively warm.

This seems like a good time to describe the “bear box.” When I was first told about these contraptions which bears cannot get into, I thought it would a series of locks and switches so complex that only a human could operate. It is quite the operate, except that apparently only a human can operate as well. A bear box is simply a metal box that you have to stick your fingers under and come up, pushing a lever that unhitches the lock. Very simple, but I guess bears paws always face down and then cannot turn their hand upward like a humans. I thought it was funny… no one else? Okay.

Today we would be doing a 4.5 mile out and back hike for a total of 9 miles. Glacier Gorge starts out, and we see amazing views throughout the whole hike:  the Alberta Falls, The Loch Lake, Glass Lake, and end at Sky Pond. While we were out on our first big trail hike, I witnessed a man take photos of chipmunk… on his ipad.... ah when will people learn.

I also made a different chipmunk tremble later, sorry little fellas

I also made a different chipmunk tremble later, sorry little fellas

On this hike, I came to realization that carrying a big water bottle jug is a mistake, so heavy. I was also struggling to survive on this hike. Jmon and I fall behind.

Photos tell the story better than words: so here are a bunch of photos in a gallery

We made it to a waterfall and it started to rain, we had been warned to stay below tree line if it storms so not to get struck by lightening. We consider turning back, but the rain passes after a few minutes, and we climb up a slippery waterfall. Pretty dangerous.

After climbing, we make it to the top and take in the beautiful sight of Glass Lake

From Glass lake we continue on our journey with some more hiking until we reach Sky Pond.


John thinks he can make it half way around the Sky Pond in 5 minutes. Doesn't even get 1/3 of the way before he turns around at 10 minutes. 

Climbing down the waterfall ended up actually being easier than going up. I think it was because it had been raining when we were climbing up, but sunny when going down. You just had to go slow and be careful. We all made it without dying. You will see this adventurous climb when the documentary comes out (gopro footage) in about 3 or 4 months.

On the way back, the group got split up. John, Jmon, & Melissa were way ahead of Rachel and I. Jmon takes the lead on all hikes back. He hikes back with a speed unseen or unheard of on the way out. We walked for a couple hours without seeing them, so we decided to do a quick 0.6 miles detour to Mills Lake. We were pretty exhausted and being nearly there, Rachel decided to stop and take a little rest, while I ran down to the lake and snapped some photos.

We finally made it back to the start of the trail. Wondering if John, Jmon, & Melissa would be there waiting, or if they had taken the bus back to the car parking lot. They were still there and we were all exhausted. Our first day of hiking and we walk about 9 miles. Not a bad day at all.


We took the bus back to the car park, then I drove us back to our campsite. We were all pretty hungry, so got the fire going and had some Colorado Brews to go with dinner. We also busted out the propane grill to cook our food a bit quicker. Can of corn and can of refried beans to go with our soup. Yum. We still cook some of our food over the campfire.


That night we saw a couple of younger female deer take a stroll past our camp site. Then an epic gummy trade was made. John caught in the act.

Loved doing long exposures at night, and the sky was absolutely gorgeous and insane. Amazing to think about all of the stars out there. Sad that there is so much light pollution in cities that you can’t see this amazing view always. Milky Way Galaxy in plain view. The big dipper bigger and lower in the sky than I have ever seen before.

Tuesday August 19, 2014

The next day we drove over to the Wild Basin region where we would be doing a shorter 5 mile hike along the Calypso Cascades until we reached the Ouzel Falls. Our favorite ranger lady who welcomed us to the park told us it is an amazing beautiful trail. John had picked this hike out the night before after talking to some rangers. Shout out to YaBoy.

Once at the falls, we are not satisfied with just being at the bottom looking up, so after I make my way half way up to be by the side of the falls, we decide to go on an adventure to find the top of the falls.

We make it to the top of a little mountain in search for the top of the waterfall. It feels like a desolated area where we would come across a bear. Everyone is on the lookout. Stay together is my best thought.

After walking through a  bit of brush for a hundred yards or so, we finally see one of my favorite sights of the trip. A majestic river that leads to the waterfall. So beautiful. 

Again on the walk back, Rachel and I fall behind as the others speed down the trails lead by the great Jmon. We eventually catch up this time and get back to our car as one.

On the drive back, I stop on the side of the road to take some photos of the amazing landscape even though everyone is tired. Longs peak in the distance.

Back at our campsite. Everyone else wanted to go check out downtown Estes, but I wanted to do a little more hiking, so they all left in Melissa’s car and I stayed back at the site. I then headed out behind our campsite to do some exploring.

As I was venturing out, I took some magnificent photos of the landscapes, cactus, & wildlife.

Right as I hit a dirt road that was headed toward Cub Lake, I had the sudden urge to poop. This was unfortunate for a couple of reasons. One, I has now at least a mile away from my camp site. Two, we brought a bunch of rolls of TP, and I had not brought a single one. Three, bears were spotted in this area the day prior.

I started to make my way back, but the urge to take a big steamy cornfilled dump was too strong. I made my way over a hill, out of view from the road, dropped my drawers and let it out. This stool sampling was full of corn and seemed a bit dehydrated. Realizing I had no TP to wipe with, and no underwear as well, I took a granola bar out of my bag, opened it up, and put it in my mouth. Then I took the wrapper and did what I had to do with it. I did take a photo of this stool, but will just leave you with the description. I am no sinner though, so I took that wrapper and drank the rest of my gatorade, and then put it in my empty bottle. I ain’t no litter bug. Feeling revived, I headed back to camp where I then rested for about another hour so until the others camp back. While waiting I saw a mother deer with two babies.

When everyone else came back, we took a couple of group photos at our tent

That night clouds covered the night sky, but Jmon and Melissa played an amazing song duet that brought a full grown man with a beard to tears (almost). Give a listen below.

Our first song since 2011, and perhaps our best, since John and I were not singing.

Wed 8/20

Wake up and Melissa is gone, she had to depart early that morning to go to work. It was nice to make a new cool friend on this trip and we will miss her on the rest of the hikes. The clouds are hanging low over the mountains behind our site

We made the decision the day before to do a trail at Longs Peak. An 8 mile round trip that would put us at the bottom of Longs Peak at Chasm Lake (pronounced Casm). Word is that if you want to do the whole Long Peaks hike, you need to begin around 3 or 4 am in order to get back by night fall. From Chasm Lake to the top of Longs Peak is an additional 3 miles of “advanced” climbing, so we will save that one for a couple years later when we are hiking pros.

This hike today, again was different than the last two. This one had the greatest elevation change, which was a steady incline throughout the whole way out. In fact, I don’t remember a single decline on our way to the lake.

As we struggled to continue climbing, we took more breaks that usual, but they were needed. Take a look at these tired folk.

Continuing our way up the mountain, the landscape and foliage was changing with each step.

We friend a chipmunk. Chipmunks kept coming up to us as we were hiking along the trail. Probably due to people like Jmon feeding them. One of them we met was very friendly, even making his way onto Johnny’s lap at one point. Jmon gave him a treat.

As we took this gorgeous group photo, the chipmunk was actually right below us at our feet, but the rock is in the way and you cannot see him. Good little fella though.

Clouds cover the top of Longs Peak as we keep climbing. Wow we are tired.

As we waiting and took a break, we saw that some Llamas were gaining ground on us. We were dead tired so we let them pass, and talked to the ranger who was walking them. She told us that the pack llamas are only used to carry items up the mountain. Each carries around 80 lbs. They had names which I forget, but they all looked so funny.

The llamas past us, but we were on a mission to keep pace with them, so we set out again. We reached a “stopping” point and took a couple of snaps while resting where the llamas and horses could go no further. Whether this was good news or bad news we weren’t sure, but we were surely going to see some more amazing views

We continued our journey and took in the breathtaking views if that makes any sense.

In one last effort and climb, we scrambled up a rock face, gasping for air I reached the top and took in the sight of Chasm Lake. Literally breathtaking as I was hit with a strong wind in the face and already out of breath from the climb. What an amazing view though. It was very chilly up here as well, with the strong wind and the cold mountain air.

It was only about 30 minutes of being at the lake when I was hit with a sudden urge to go to the bathroom once again. Was this becoming a regular habbit for me? I scurried over to a spot right next to the lake and in between some rocks, squatted down and experienced my second “woods” dump of the trip. This time I had TP which I buried. It was a relief once again to release a corn filled stool. Meanwhile, John ends up taking a nap, tired from the hike.

As we begin our descent, Jmon again leads the way with John hot on his trail. Rachel and I drift back as they bust down the mountain not slowing for anything. There was a beautiful waterfall down the side of the mountain coming from Chasm Lake.

Finally Rachel and I make it the 4 miles back to where the trail started. While we are sitting on the bench resting, a guy came running down the trail looking exhausted. I start talking to him and find out he did the whole hike, including Long’s Peak. Impressive dude.

We stop as we are leaving longs peak to again take some photos of the view. This time the weather is absolutely gorgeous and the sky is much clearer than the day before so I snap some great shots

We get back the campsite and take a short little nap to regenerate since we want to do another small hike near our campsite that evening. Our last day in Rocky Mountain National Park, we need to squeeze every drip of adventure out that we can.

Here is the view from our tent

 That night we head to cub lake and try to find a bear. The Cub Lake trail was a short walk from our camp site and again another hike with different terrain and landscape. It was by far the easiest hike with very little elevation change, and we were all on edge. A bear had been spotted at this location just 24 hours prior, so we had our hopes in catching one of earth’s beautiful creatures in the wild. As we walked and walked, without weapons of course, even though we brought a machete and hatchet to the campsite, we were all on high alert, peering around every which way. We kept walking, but we didn’t make it to the lake, probably ended up a quarter of a mile short. It was getting too dark so we had to turn back since we brought 6 flashlights with us on the trip, but none of them with us on the late night hike. Smart. Very disappointing, as we are walking back we hear something that sounds like howling. We rush over a small rock formation and see a herd of Moose. Absolutely gorgeous creatures until later we realize they were Elk. Still pretty cool as we got really close, in fact closer than we should have, but luckily it wasn’t mating season? At least we didn’t get attacked.

Herd of Elk – Despite these photos being relatively bright, it was actually very dark outside, and we could barely see the elk, luckily my camera can do some amazing things.

That night we called it a pretty early night once we got back to the site and cooked up some canned food on the propane stove. We also had a bright propane light that we used to light up our area for that night as we had gotten back after dark.

What an amazing end to our time in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Thur 8/21

We wake up, pack up our tents and head out of Rocky Mountain National Park.

Once we arrive to Colorado Springs, we have high hopes, but they soon dwindle away. Manitou / Colorado Springs sucks, everything is closed. The incline is closed until December, garden of the gods is closed for some bike race. The COG up to Pikes Peak is closed, then we find out we can drive up, so we decided to drive the long way up to Pikes Peak.

Winding roads through the mountains take us higher and higher. I find it crazy how at most spots on the road up, there are no guard rails, and if you are not paying attention, you could literally drive right off of the mountain. Luckily I was behind the wheel and everyone felt very safe as I told them I could drive us all off this mountain right now!

The view from the top of Pikes Peak was beautiful, but if you are this far in the blog, you know that everything in this state is beautiful, even the hobos. Take a look of some of the lovely photos I took while up there. I’m not sure if it was because we had hiked all the way up on our other trails, and drove up on this one, but I felt very unstable and poor footed up at 14,000 feet. After awhile, I became acclimated and was bouncing around from rock to rock like the young children who have no fear of falling 14K feet to their death… it’s not really that big of a drop off, but you get the picture.

As we got in our car and started to drive out of the parking lot at the top of the mountain, John was able to snap this amazing photo. Perhaps the photo of the trip. Batman at 14K feet, looking for Rachel.

There were various pull offs on the way down that we were able to stop at and take some great photos, as well as do a little climbing on the rocks. 

 I didn’t listen to the park rangers and used neutral on the way down, trying to burn off my brakes, luckily they had a brake check. They conveniently have us pull over at a gift shop, pop our hood and cool off our engine and tires. Seems like an easy way to get extra sales! But really, I could smell the rubber burning. Little known fact, gears 1 and 2 limit your speed so you don’t have to brake the whole way down the mountain like I was doing. 

After we got down from the bottom of Pike’s Peak, a 19 mile drive, we headed over to our campsite which was at an RV park. Not the same beautiful view that we had at RMNP but we’ll take a place to rest and sleep. 

That night we headed toward downtown Manitou to check out the small little town at the bottom of the mountain. We stopped in at the Keg Lounge for dinner and I got a delicious buffalo burger. It was a cozy little family owned restaurant where we had a beer with our dinner. I got the Laughing Lab (Scottish ale), John got the Shake (chocolate porter), and Rachel got the Buffalo Gold (golden ale). All these fresh brews were from Colorado. Coors is from Colorado and makes Blue Moon as well, so both of those were on tap. Check out Manitou Springs.

That night we play hearts at our RV camp site. I shoot the moon, then John shoots the moon immediately after. John then finishes out the game by shooting the moon on the most amazing hand of hearts I have ever seen. He still comes in second, but it feels like a win for him, going from 4th to 2nd on the last hand.

Boy scouts ask us for drugs and come up to our tent, I send them off telling them there is no group of four younger adults around here.


Fri 8/22

The next morning we left our RV campsite and headed to Garden of the Gods.

Garden of the Gods was very “touristy” compared to everything else we had done and quite honestly, everyone was very tired. Due to these factors, we enjoyed it slightly less than we would have otherwise. Regardless the rock formations were very cool and the rocks were so red in the Garden. The also call pigeons “rock doves” which is pretty comical. We did some off trail hiking, which is against the rules at the park, but honestly there are small paths you would think are trails, but apparently are not. While we were off trail, we saw a little fox or wolf running through the open field. Some Park Ranger gave us a word about it, but we pleaded the fifth telling him how we were lost, which we really were because we just wanted to see the Siamese Twins, which I eventually saw alone because everyone else was too tired to get out of the car. Our last stop in Garden of the Gods was the balanced rock, where an old man had recently fallen and smashed his head on the ground. Another of our favorite rock formations was the Kissing Camels. Check out the pictures and see if you can identify the formations!

We then stop at Josh and John’s Icecream. Shout out to Brian for recommending us to the best ice cream shop ever invented. I got some type of icecream with a heath-bar in it, suggested by the dude working there, and covered in sprinkles. John and I also got matching glasses. We also wrote them a nice suggestion card. Best icecream ever!

We head back home around 12:30pm. Good Bye Colorado. We stop in Omaha around 10:20pm. We get Arbys somewhere outside the city around 8:30p.

Sat 8/23

Wake up around 6 or so and drive back to Naperville. Finally after a long 8 hours we arrive home around 2pm. It literally rained the entire ride home, which was kind of depressing, but who really cares since we had such amazing weather the whole trip. Squid was happy to see us and gave us all big hugs when we go out of the car. Only a few hours of unpacking the car and taking a shower and we were off again.


We headed to Chicago for another Deer Tick show. Our 3rd show in 7 days. This show tops the Bluebird show but Mange at blue bird is still best individual song performance.  We pregame at Brian’s place in Wrigley with some Summer Coors, which taste really good. They were only in 10oz cans which I thought was a rip off, but it was not surprising they tasted so good after re-learning that Blue Moon is made by Coors when we were in Colorado. After the pregame we walk over to the show and get our usual spot, stage left 2nd row. A band called The Weeks opened up for DT and they were pretty solid.

Deer Tick took the stage and played all their jams including Mange and Blood Moon back to back. An amazing set that I cheered and screamed as much as I could throughout, but it pretty much came out as little screetches as my voice was lost from the week prior. Vanessa Carlton again graced us with her presence and we were also sprayed with super soakers. At the end of the show, Brian catches John McCaulleys pick that was headed right for me, but as I reached up nothing happened. Everyone then was looking on the floor and Brian looked down into his open hands and there it was. We head over to John’s friends place after the show and have a few drinks. Rachel and I cab it home and call an end to the best week of my life.


If you made it to the end of this blog I owe you a drink. Next blog coming up is about moving to Chicago. Stay tuned.

Yaboy Josh

Pack Ya Bags - Spidey Takes Flight

Tuesday August 5, 2014. Pretty standard day, I watched the Phantom Menace. The worst Star Wars by a long shot. Very little action, poor acting at time, & of course, Jar Jar Binks. Yikes.

On Wednesday the 6th of August I started my morning with a workout. Then headed over to the dentist to get my third crown. This time not gold, so my net worth unfortunately did not go up. Later in the afternoon I headed to work. On my drive I saw spidey was having a joyous day, but was looking a bit thin. I hadn't seen him catch any bugs lately to eat,  and quite honestly, I am not sure if he had eaten in a long while. As I began to pick up speed, I realized that spidey was desperate. He must be starving. He had strung a web from his usual side mirror spot, to about half way down my door, enlarging his catch area. He decided to travel a ways down the new web he strung, and I began to pick up speed on the road. I instantly knew this was trouble. That was when he broke off from his large web, and was just hanging on by a thread. He flew through the air, going up and down, up and down, still grasping to his one strand of web. Spidey was flying through the air, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of his body. I just stared at him, thinking, if I slow down now, I will hold up traffic, but the spider I have come to know the last 3 weeks will be safe. Then it was too late. Spidey took flight and was gone. Never to be seen or heard of again. This was by far the saddest day of summer.

Later than night I had a meeting with a lax team, potentially doing some HS coaching this spring. Interesting.... and I watched Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. A movie that was about 100 times better than the Phantom Menace, but still not as good as the original 3 films.

Thursday August 7th was a simple work day, that ended with me playing in the final men's league game of the summer. A good turnout and some quality lax, but I was eager to see Rachel, so I left a bit early and drove straight to Chicago for the night. Rachel and I were both pretty tired so we called it a night shortly after I arrived around 10:45pm.

On Friday August 8th, I was to have my own day in the city of Chicago. Rachel had to unfortunately work, so I started my morning by watching a French foreign film titled The Intouchables and highly recommend it to everyone. The basis of the film is an underprivileged man is applying to jobs just to get some type of paper signed that says he applied. He applies to help take care of a paralyzed man, not even wanting the job, and ends up getting it. The rest of the movie is the building of a great relationship between these 2 men. Great heart felt film. Afterwards I got a little workout in while watching the first hour of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a Stanley Kubrick film that is very very odd. Around 11am I put on my hiking boots, grabbed my camera, and headed out on a 2.6 mile adventure to the heart of the city to meet Rachel for lunch. On my walk over, I took some decent photos and felt like I was back in Europe, photographing any cool looking building or statue. Great memories there. Right before crossing the Chicago River I heard someone call out, "Maluta?" I looked up and there was a friend from college, Napier (pronounced Naper). I had not seen this gentlemen in probably at least 3 years, and found out that he is living in the city and working downtown. What a small world, and good to catch up for a minute. I met Rachel outside her building and we walked over to Millennium Park to have lunch. She snagged some dipping sauces from the lunch room that we enjoyed with some pasta from the night before. We walked around the area and rested in the shade of some trees, enjoying our time together. After about 50 minutes she had to head back and I walked her back and then journeyed the 2.6 miles home, snapping more photos along the way.


After watching another hour of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rachel's brother and mom arrived and I chatted with them for a bit. Then we took a cab to Howl at the Moon, a dueling piano bar in downtown that I had actually passed on my walk home. We got there pretty early, so we got into the bar and had plenty of choices on where to sit. We were meeting her cousin Amanda there for a party she had won. Luckily, the party and happy hour came with a free buffet and 2 $1 dollar drinks. I ended up enjoying multiple trips to the buffet appetizer line and dined on pulled pork sandwiches, diced up fruit, and some spicy mac & cheese. Although I am pretty sure that spicy mac ended up giving me a little tummy ache that stuck with me the whole night. Rachel eventually got off of work and came over for the party around 6pm.

The Howl at the Moon Bar was super cool and a great atmosphere. All of the musicians who rotated between instruments were super talented, playing guitar, drums, fiddle, singing, and of course piano. The best part of the night by far was when one of the girl musicians busted out the rap / song Look at Me Now by Chris Brown. Here is a video of the now famous girl, Karmin, singing it. I think the girl at Howl at the Moon did an even better job! It was sick! Oh and Rachel she needs to learn this, and I can't wait for it to happen! I would love to see her rap this just like Gambino, and I know she can! When Happy Hour ended around 9pm, we stayed and chatted with another cousin of Rachel's for a bit, then took a cab home with her mom & brother. Once home, I loaded up 2001: A Space Odyseey and watched the last 45 minutes, which was basically just one big trip, and the movie ended. Very strange movie, not sure how I felt about it, but I guess it was pretty great for the 1960s, making it one of the greatest Sci-Fi movies ever. Although I am pretty sure you have to be baked to enjoy it.

Musicians playing at the dueling piano bar, Howl at the Moon

Musicians playing at the dueling piano bar, Howl at the Moon

Just like that it was the morning of Saturday August 9th and I was headed back to Naperville to work. After work, I got home and watched the final Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith with Beth. This was by far the best movie of the new 3, and ranks pretty close with the original 3. There was so much action, and I loved the character transitions. Anakin becomes Vader and other characters change as well. Great movie!

Afterwards I headed to Manhattan to attend a party at my cousin John's. It was also my first time at his new place, which he has already been at for 2 years. I need to be a better cousin! I had probably 2 or 3 plates of delicious food, from Italian beef to chicken to beans. The party was nice and I was able to pick up a bunch of camping gear from my Uncle John as well. I got a ton of stuff from him and also a ton of knowledge over the past few weeks, so I thank him and my Aunt Chris greatly for all of that! I decided to leave the party after a few hours and headed the short 5 miles down the road to Rachel's, where steak fajitas were being made for dinner. They were delicious, and we were both very tired, so called it an early night again. Are we getting old or what? Going to bed earlier on the weekends... ahh.

On Sunday August 10th I headed home after hanging out for a bit, then cleaned my car inside and out. Mid clean, I decided to buzz my head down to 1/8 of an inch. Just like the old days in grade/middle school. Washing the outside and completely cleaning the inside as well. It was then that I discovered after having this car for 3 years, that there are sweet hidden compartments in my trunk. Check it out. Amazing.

I spent the rest of the day getting excited for my trip coming up, and packed and ordered some more equipment online.

Monday August 11th started with a workout, a trip to the bank, and then a stop at Dicks Sporting Goods, where I ended up purchasing 3 outdoor mess kits, as well as 2 pairs of running shorts. The running shorts are amazingly light, rest above the knee, shoutout to John who bought a pair the week before, and even have mesh inside so I don't have to wear underwear. I bought one blue nike pair and one orange Under Armour pair, both seem amazing. I think it is funny that I am starting to enjoy all of these things that I felt I used to make fun of when I was younger.... Camping, hiking boots, wool socks, short shorts, and the list goes on. Your interests and tastes surely change as you get older. Wow.





The packing and compactness of mess kits still impress me. Just take a look above at how much fits into 3 little pots initially. I had soup for dinner in preparation for Colorado, aka there was nothing else to eat, and I ended the night with an ice cream cone and watching the movie Vertigo. An amazing Alfred Hitchcock movie. Perhaps his best. 5/5 for sure. I highly suggest watching this as well. 

Also RIP Robin Williams, shouldn't have gone out the way he did, but he was a great actor and comedian. Will surely watch many of his films in the near future.


That is all for this week. I won't be blogging next week as I will be a mile high in Rocky Mountain National Park. Look forward to hearing about potentially 3 concerts and a week of camping in Rocky Mountain and Colorado Springs. The future holds climbing mountains, cutting down stuff with a machete and chopping wood with an ax.

Enjoy the weeks!



Didgeridoo in South Haven

The past week was a busy one.

On Tuesday the 29th of July I had a late night. First getting a bonfire going with Squid, burning the last bag board, & getting some s'mores cooking up in preparation for our weekend ahead. After this bon fire we finally watched Pain and Gain with the Rock and Mark Wahlberg. A movie we have been saying we should watch for the past 3 months. It was pretty good, deserving 4/5 stars since it included a guy's head getting crushed in with weights off the end of a bench bar, although not nearly as much weightlifting as I expected or wanted. After this I was in a movie mood so decided to stay up until about 2 am watching Equilibrium, a Christian Bale film which was set in a futuristic dystopia. It was an ehh okay movie. I would probably give it 2.5 / 5 stars.

Wednesday July 30th began with the return of Spidey, bigger than ever, as I thought he originally had fallen off somewhere. Happy Birthday Brian. That evening on the way home from work, Beth and I both stopped to get gas for $3.27 when everywhere else around was $3.65... what a steal. We had not eaten dinner yet and had a coupon so we stopped to check out this new place called Buffalo Wings & Rings. It turned out to be incredible! There were taps on the tables, and Wednesday night was $1 chicken tender night and wow were the tenders big and juicy. Not only that, but they were not shy with their sauce (what up squid). A plentiful amount of Bourbon BBQ sauce drenched my 5 tenders I ordered, to go along with a Sam Adam's Summer Ale on tap, as well as Onion Rings & Mozzarella sticks. Beth got 3 wings for herself as well. A tasty meal which Squid picked up the bill for. Thanks sister! And Buffalo Wings & Rings, nice job, I will definitely be back one of the days during the week for your amazing specials. Mmm wings & rings. That night I loaded up the movie Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale, a film set during the Vietnam War & entails Bale's survival of a camp that he becomes imprisoned in after crashing his plane. Great story line and plot, as well as character development, I give it 5/5.


On Thursday July 31st, I got my tires rotated on my car, watched another Christian Bale film, Empire of the Sun. At first I thought he wasn't in it, but then recalled the movie was from 1987 and he was the child in the film. He even had the same facial expressions he has today Another war movie, set during WWII with a great story line as well about a young boy who wants to be a pilot while being imprisoned in Japan. 5/5. After Men's League I stayed up late trying to put the full Benet/Hinsdale Lax game on youtube, but Youtube sucks and took away my ability to upload videos over 15 minutes because of a copyright thing with music so that was unsuccessful. Stupid greedy music companies. I stayed up extra late packing my back for Michigan and making 4 CDs for the trip. 3 full of "College Jams" and then a new music CD I made for Rachel to add to her collection!

After heading to bed around 3 am I woke up at 7am to start packing the car for a trip to South Haven, Michigan on August 1st. Happy Birthday John. Beth and I drove over and picked up Rachel at her parent's house in New Lenox. After seeing some renovations being made at the house, we stopped by Jewel and picked up a Mix-a-Rita pack, a Shandy Summer pack, food, & other goodies for the trip up to the Trailer. We listened to the CD I had made for the trip and the ride up was a breeze, hitting barely any traffic. Before we got the Trailer we were sure to hit up Sherman's Ice Cream shop, best in town and in Michigan. We picked up a 1/2 gallon of Blue Moon ice cream for $7.25 to enjoy for the whole weekend instead of going back later to buy 2 cones for the same price. Shout out to YaBoy John for getting us hooked on that blue moon ice cream. We once shared a walk down the pier eating our Blue Moons together. A magical moment in Holland forever kept in memory.


When we got to South Haven, we headed down to the beach right away. The new stairs there are very nice, but I still prefer a little adventure and danger in my life and would rather the old stairs still be the only stairs. The water in Lake Michigan was very calm, Beth and I swam out a ways and had an enjoyable time in both water and sand. We headed back up The Trailer around 5pm and waited 2 hours for my roommate and best friend from college Nolan and my other friend Cam to arrive. We listened to classic Trailer tunes like Trampled by Turtles and Deer Tick while waiting.

I got the coals hot on the grill and then welcomed the boys as they arrived. I grilled up Cheddar Bacon Burgers and Beer Brats. Nolan and I each had probably 2 burgers and 2 brats, very filling. After dinner, we got the bon fire going and listened to all 3 College Jam Cds I made. Bringing back great memories from college and times in both Powell, Estes 205, & College View North. We all had a great time telling stories around the fire and remembering old times we used to have back in the day (3 years out already, wow). We also set up Beth's Tiki torches we had got for her party and they were super cool, adding a luminous glow around yard and trailer. We dined with some blue moon ice cream cones, as well as s'mores around the camp fire. We discovered that we should all make a band named Didgeridoo. And our first hit single would be DidgeridooYou. It's a project in the works, but it is going to be instrumental to the music world when it happens.


After midnight, we grabbed a torch and headed down to the beach. I felt like we were traveling around by torch light way back in the day. As we hung out in the darkness on the beach, looking up at the stars and talking some more, Rachel and I began to wrestle and try to throw each other in the water. Well more of her trying to throw me in and me trying to escape, but it was so fun and we laughed and giggled like little kids having a lovely time. We got back to the trailer after an hour or two and talked a little bit more before heading to bed around 2:45 am. Successful night.


The new morning, Saturday August 2nd, we woke up around 9 and cooked a sausage pizza for breakfast. After this we headed down to the beach for some fun times. We started off with some lacrosse and some swimming. Then Nolan and I began to make a couple of sand castles, which turned into us digging holes. The holes got so big and actually combined into 1 big hole that we decided to bury each other in them. With the help of Cam, Rachel, & Beth, Nolan and I were buried up to our heads. While at the beach we also practiced some handstands, Cam was the best out of all of us, skipped some stones, and even did some yoga. Videos of these to come at a later time!


Around 2 pm we headed back up to The Trailer and Cam & Nolan had to leave. A short visit, but an amazing time with college friends that brought back many memories of us just raiding and jamming every day at college. Loved it.

Potential album covers for the DidgerdooYou hit album:

For dinner that night I grilled up some cheddar brats and we watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty which was an awesome film. 5/5 for the adventure and traveling life that I so desire! There is a fantastic memorable quote that I someday hope to live by. When a photographer for Life magazine is about to take a photo of the majestic Ghost Cat, he stops and looks at it not in the lens, and lets the moment pass without taking the picture. He then says this when Walter asks if he is going to take the photo, "If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it." An inspirational quote that I hope one day to abide by, since I take way too many photos and videos... always.. After this Rachel, Beth, & I headed down to the beach for the sunset which was very pretty. We came back up, had a small bon fire & ate some s'mores then went inside to watched Star Wars. The first Star Wars, so one of the original good ones!


Sunday August 3rd began how the day before ended. With some Star Wars. We finished watching the first movie, then put on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. After finishing both movies we headed down to the beach for our final day. The beach was very crowded this time, but the water still very calm. I did a bunch of lacrosse tricks, which I was very frustrated while doing, and a Luta Lax Session 4 will be coming out soon. Rachel and I went on a walk down the beach to end the day. We headed back up and packed our bags, saying goodbye to the Trailer, hopefully not for the last time.


On the ride home, we hit a bunch of traffic, in Indiana, the worst state to exist, and it took us about 3 1/2 hours to get to Rachel's place in Chicago. She was nice enough to order us some chinese food for dinner which was super hot and delicious. That night, we put on Star Wars: Return of the Jedi on the big screen, which was incredibly larger and clearer than the 15" tv we were watching on in Michigan. After the movie, Beth and I drove back to Naperville and both had incredible fortunes from our Chinese fortune cookies. Mine was, "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." With lucky #30. Beth's was some Journalism Newspaper chinese symbol thing and had lucky #19. Insane!

Also, Spidey survived the trip out to Michigan, and the trip home. What a trooper. Look at him basking in all his glory. Next stop for him is the Rocky Mountains. Long Live Spidey! LLS!


Monday August 4th started off fantastic. I drove over to Auntie Wanda's in Downers Grove for a delicious feast of a breakfast like usual. Beth was there and my Aunt Ruth stopped by as well. Bob and Jane, some distant relatives also stopped by and Bob made a good point about how you can always learn new things from watching others or working with them. I like this motto, always learning. I went to work and that night started my workouts. I decided to attempt to get 33 workouts in in the next 11 days. 3 a days have begun. I watched Out of the Furnace, the final movie of my Christian Bale kick. This movie looked amazing in the previews, but the first hour was rather boring, although the last hour was very good. I give it a 4/5.

That is the end to an amazing week with old friends. Many videos to be made, but not sure I will have time before Colorado in 11 days.

Learn something new!

YaBoy is out!
