Same Love - Macklemore

In a world that is full of hate, racism, and stereotypes, this song brings some light to the dark. The topic of gay marriage and their rights has been a hot topic for the past few years. What is everyone still hung up on? Do people actually believe we are not stereotyping and being discriminatory toward people who are just the same as us (sounds familiar). Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in their song Same Love combine a beautiful beat with some lovely lyrics to get across the message.

"if I was gay, I would think hip hop hates me; have you read the youtube comments lately?"

Kinda corny, but I love a youtube lyric, and it's so true, just look at the Childish Gambino video I made and all the people saying rude, mean things.

"it's human rights for everybody, there is no difference, live on!"

Regardless of how you look, what gender you are, or who you love, everybody should have the same human rights. There is no difference between humans, shouldn't we all have the same rights? Live on!

"no laws gonna change us, we have to change us, whatever God you believe in, we come from the same one, strip away the fear, it's all the same love"

But in the end, changing the laws is only one small step in the right direction. We ultimately have to change ourselves and each other, to be more loving.

"No freedom till we're equal, damn right I support it"


Same Love feat. Mary Lambert on iTunes: We support civil rights, and hope WA State voters will APPROVE REF 74 and legalize marriage equality. Visit for more info.

What will 2013 bring me?

Well, even though a whole month of 2013 is already gone... wow! I have a few goals for 2013 that I really want to carry out and achieve.

Number One: I want to start eating healthier, learn more about nutrition and diet, and then implement that into my every day life. I have already been cutting out the junk food and now in the process of learning what to eat in order to become stronger and healthier. On top of this I am going to start the Shaklee 180 plan, and use it for the extra meals, since I don't really need to lose weight.

Number Two: Coinciding with number one, I want to get back in shape, in fact, the best shape of my life. This includes lifting weights, running, and stretching to become more flexible. I need to do some more research into these and find a plan that will work for me, whether its p90x, my own circuits, or heavy lifting.

Number Three: Connects to part of number two and number one, I want to run the Naperville Marathon. This is a huge event and monument that I want to accomplish. I know I can just go run 26.2 miles on my own and count that, but I want to run it and experience it in the Marathon environment. I will need to clean up my diet for sure and get on a good running plan to stay the course.

Number Four: I want to expand my knowledge in every way I can. This includes, but is not limited to cameras, video editing, computer technology, lacrosse knowledge, nutrition, cooking, and life philosophy. I hope to read a lot more and attempt to learn something new every single day. 

Number Five: Is not only to have a job, but have one that I enjoy and can expand at. I want to be employed in a company where I feel worthy, appreciated, and needed. I want to find out what I WANT to do, whether this involves lacrosse, computers, business, or something completely unrelated that I have yet to find.

Number Six: I hope to experience Nature more and really appreciate what it has to offer. Not only locally in the Chicagoland area, but I want to eventually get out west, and see the amazing sights that have been put on this Earth. There are so many beautiful places in the world, it would be a shame to miss out on them all.

Open the Vault

Today I officially began releasing "The Hidden Footage" from Jcubed's earlier years. Some hilarious stuff is for sure going to come out. Johnny would always nag me to watch these videos pretty much every time he was over for the past few years. So now he can watch them everywhere all the time.

This footage is coming "out of the vault" after it has spent 10 long years unseen by anyone but Jcubed. It is pretty amazing and funny to see what we were doing when we were 11 and 13 years old. Classic. Lucy has now been revealed to the world

The first release titled "Hidden Footage: Feb 2003" includes:

0:03 Lucy Hot in Here
0:47 Hilldside School: Marvin & Theodore dance to Cha Cha Slide
3:16 Slowdance Beatdown
4:20 Patches, Johnny, and family test out the "new" camera
6:11 Stop Taping
6:27 Lucy talks about her boyfriend

I have also released some Hidden Footage from an FC Shytown soccer game in the winter of 2006. The video is almost an hour long, but has some great memories of our senior year of highschool. FC Shytown shows how they get to the game, pregame, play, and eventually tie. Enjoy.
