2016 - Best Year Ever

2016 was by far the best year of my life. From our Wedding, to the Honeymoon, to traveling to Iceland, to coaching HS Varsity lacrosse, to more concerts, it was a most splendid year. I consistently blogged for the entire year (43 times to be exact), sometimes falling a little behind, but always managing to catch up (minus the Wedding, Hawaii, and Iceland blogs... coming soon I promise this time). I even started doing some vlogging in early October which was an interesting experience. I am not sure what 2017 will hold for us, but I think the blog and vlog will change slightly, just as it did in 2016.  Now enjoy reading a handful of "best" lists, events, and things that happened in 2016. Check out the top/best lists from 2014 and 2015 if you want to see the years past.

Best Moment: Our Wedding. Some day soon I am going to write a reflection on how this amazing and magical day all happened. As I look back now though, I can say one thing, it went by sooooo fast and I wish I could relive that day and take it all in again, for it was the best day of my life.

Huge shoutout to Melissa for filming and putting together this little video montage from the wedding. Amazing!

Best Vacation: It was a huge year for travel for us. They honeymoon took us to Maui and Kauai Islands in Hawaii. And we went to an Island of opposite climate in September, when we traveled to Iceland with John and Melissa.

Best Songs: I went through and pulled more than 10 songs this year (24 to be exact), as we had many of my favorite artists releasing new albums this year, while I also discovered some new musicians who are now a top some of my favorites. In order of artist name.

Best Album: It was definitley a year with a lot of big releases, but for 2016 I am going to have to give Best Album to a new and upcoming folk musician out of Chicago, Ryley Walker, and his album Golden Sings That Have Been Sung.

Best Movie (Theaters): Despite only seeing two movies in theaters this year, Trolls & The Secret Life of Pets, I am going to give this one to Trolls. Movie theaters get more expensive every year!

Best Documentary: I am going to call this one a tie between Barkley Marathons & Fantastic Lies. While Barkley Marathons was one of the most unique running events I have ever seen, lacrosse will always have my heart when it comes to videos, even when it is about a tragic 2006 "rape" case at Duke University, the top program in the country at the time. Check both of these out on Netflix.

Best TV Show: A few "new" tv shows for you this year that I was able to watch in entirety. A new show that premiered on Netflix, all about being a child in the 1980s and aliens, Stranger Things. Crime mystery Twin Peaks from 1990, although I hear they are doing a remake soon. Peaky Blinders, which took place in the 1920s in England about a variety of gangs and the gangley things they do.

Best Book: Listened to all my books this year on audio tape, but one of the best ones I read was, 11.22.63 by Stephen King.

Best Jcubed Video: The first year since probably 2000, that YaBoys did make a video with all 3 of them in it. I filmed a couple of videos with John and a couple with Johnny, but in none of these were we all together. Wow! It has been 10 Years since we have been on YouTube though, so plenty of content to watch. Still need to finish editing a couple more too.

Best Lacrosse Video: I filmed a little short lacrosse documentary for my former coach and friend at North Central College for their inaugural fall ball.

Best Youtube Channel: Casey Neistat, from New York. Fell in love with his vlog before he ended it this year, but he still makes pretty awesome videos regularly. Quite the inspiration for me and videos.

Best Sports Moment: Despite attending my first ever Bears Game and my first ever Bulls game, there is a clear best sports moment from the year. The Cubs Won their first World Series in 108 years! It was insanely memorable and I found myself enjoying watching baseball. Still gives me the chills. I was also interviewed after a lax game during the spring season, so famous.

Best Concert: Despite not releasing an album since 2013, Deer Tick did an acoustic tour in 2016 that was awesome. We saw them at Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago, and then again at the Majestic Theatre in Madison. Ryley Walker, a native Chicago folk singer, opened up for the band and we immediately fell in love with his music as well.  I did record the shows, so hopefully I can get that audio up soon. In the mean time, listen to Mange from the show. During 2016 I also saw: The Weeks, The Tallest Man on Earth, Lady Lamb, New Madrid, The Orwells, Ryley Walker again, Wax, & The Palmer Squares.

And that's it folks. 2016, the best year of my life, the best year ever. I am excited to see what 2017 brings.

See ya there!


16 Miles & 10 Year Old Beer

This blog is starting off on Tuesday November 15, 2016. After work I headed to the IHSLA coaches meeting to hear all about this upcoming High School lacrosse season in the state of Illinois.  After two hours of complaining from coaches about how the schedule will change next year as the state adopts the sport, I finally got out of there and headed back to Chicago.

Back in the city, I headed over to Rob's for Katie's 25th Bday party. Nothing like food, drinks, and some delicious cake. Katie's dad also made some sausage that I had at least 3 or 4 of. Yum. After hanging with Rach, her parents, Rob, Lou, Katie, and more of her friends, Rach and I headed out and got home a little after 1am. Typical Tuesday. 

The next day was Wednesday November 16th and luckily I had taken the day off work. So the late night last night didn't bother me any. I decided to go out on a little run that day and decided I was going to run farther than I had ever before. And I did. I ended up running all the way up to Loyola University and back, even doing a couple of laps around a track before making it home. The run went relatively well, as I maintained a 7minute40second pace for the 16 miles and finishing in just over 2 hours. I personally wanted to finish under 2, but the last few miles proved to be a little tough as I was well over an 8 minute mile for those. But hey, NEWWWWW RECOOORDDDD. Woo! Check out some of the views from the run.

That night, I watched Wayne's World and ended up cooking Rachel and I some TJ's King Pow Chicken for dinner. I also watched the season finale of American Horror Story season 6. It was a pretty decent season. Lost me for a little bit with some of the gore and weirdness, but overall a solid season for the show. If you're into scary and creepy stuff, I suggest the show as they change the entire plot every season. Cool concept. 

On Thursday November 17th I didn't really do much besides work and finish reading the book Kite Runner by  Khaled Hosseini. Pretty amazing book about an Afghan-American boy named Amir and his life. Suggest you read son!

Friday November 18th was a work from home day that ended with me picking Rachel up from work, a 2 hour drive back to New Lenox, Chili's takeout for dinner with her parents, and a fun night of talking and catching up.

The next morning on Saturday November 19th we had to wake up early so I could go coach. Rach slept in the car while I did so, and then we headed out back to Chicago around 10:45. I dropped the wife off at home and then drove over to Brian and Megan's to watch the Iowa Illinois football game. Chris and Alyssa were also there and brought some delicious sandwiches and popcorn. Football, food, and beer. The American Dream. Even though it was pretty chilly I stepped out onto their balcony to snap some shots. Thanks for hosting and supplying the food ya'll. 

That night for dinner Rachel made some tasty Pork Chops and we watched The Martian with Matt Damon. Great movie with some pretty funny parts as well. Now I see why it was labeled as a comedy for some of the Oscars last year. Watch it if you haven't! And rent it from me if you don't have it!

Sunday November 20th was a pretty chill day. Rachel and I went grocery shopping. I cooked up a masterful chili for dinner in the crockpot, and played some COD Modern Warfare 2 on the computer. Sometimes you just gotta game. I watched Quentin Tarantino's Hateful 8 during the day when Rachel was at yoga. The movie was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Watch it or rent it! That night we enjoyed the chili I had cooked up for us throughout the day. 10/10.

On Monday November 21st I had to work early in the morning, ate some left over chili for lunch, had to work late so got Subway for dinner, and watched the Cats practice after a 12 hour work day. I spent the night at my parents, doing laundry as usual and also watched this great documentary on Netflix called The Barkely Marathons. A movie about one of the toughest 100 mile races in the world, through the woods of Tennessee. Check it out if you are in to running, documentaries, or just a cool concept of a race. Shout out to John for hipping me to this flick.

The next day Tuesday November 22nd, I worked and then had some Wendy's for dinner. Nothing too crazy here except my awesome fu manchu.

Wednesday the 23rd was another long day at work. We had a free open and some kid had a glow in the dark shaft with a glow in the dark ball which was pretty cool. Rachel and I went to dinner at a place called The Pasta Bowl. We had pasta and a beer for dinner. Enjoyable and relaxing before a day of travel. Speaking of joy, that night we watched the movie Joy with Jennifer Lawrence. Based on a true story about Joy Mangano who is an American inventor, business woman, and entrepreneur. Watch this top notch movie or ask to borrow it! Wow I've watched a lot of movies this week!

Thanksgiving is here! Thursday November 24th started with Rachel cooking up some snacks for the day using our stand mixer for the second time ever. We love that thing. Here are some crazy photos of turkey legs and corn with our faces on them. Terrifying snapchat.

We started off Thanksgiving by driving to Rachel's Mimi and Papa's. Delicious food and great company. We then finished the night off at my Aunt Jan's for second Thanksgiving. We were pretty full from our first Thanksgiving but managed to eat a little bit more turkey and pie! The strangest and craziest part of the night was when Rachel accidentally grabbed a 10 year old Beck's beer from the basement fridge. Unaware it was 10 years old and that it was my Grandpa's from before he passed away in 2006, I drank about half of it. My Aunt finally asked me if it tasted a little funny and let me know how old it was. I took a look inside and saw particles floating around. Not too bad for 10 years old though! I'll let you know if I survive in the next blog. We drove back to New Lenox that night, got gas on the cheap for $1.75/gallon, saw the beautiful lights in the Commons and were asleep by 11p. Check out some photos from the day!

Be sure to watch the vlog back up at the top if you skipped it..

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

