Hashtag Overgrads

On Tuesday November 11th, after work I made Jack Daniels Pulled Pork mini sandwiches for Rachel and I. She made a side of sweet potato fries which were really tasty. Just slice up a sweet potato, throw on a magic seasoning and toss em in the oven for 20 minutes or so. Scrumptious meal. That night we finished House of Cards and I'll I will say is knock knock. Also jammed out to some more Deer Tick Vinyls on the record player. Oh Happy Veteran's Day to all the Vets out there. Thank you for serving our country! Solid day.

Wednesday November 12th introduced me to the dark side of iTunes and their RED logo? This is a change and interesting. I am still searching for the blue logo I have come to know for so long. Once on the new iTunes I found out that Deer Tick had one more album that I did not own. Fuel for the Fire EP. A four song album with 3 new jams I had never heard, so I purchased that up and now have all of Deer Tick's songs that I know of. After work I watched a few episodes of Video Game High School. A pretty cool show my brother told me about. Basically a high school where kids play video games all day for class, seems like a good time!

For dinner on Thursday November 13th, I made some delicious pizza breads that my mom taught me to make, that her dad taught her to make. So thanks Grandpa for the easy and delicious meal! Although I did throw a curveball into the recipe and made them in the oven wrapped in foil instead of the microwave in order to make the bread a little crunchier, although the cheese did not melt with the same properties. Food! More Video Game High School that evening before bed.

Friday November 14th was a long eventful day. Let's skip ahead to 8:30pm when I got off work. First I filled up with gas for $2.89, the cheapest I have ever filled up for in the area. Then I went home, slammed two pieces of deep dish Giordano's pizza. Rachel and I got in the car and we headed down on a 2 hour 20 minute journey down to U of I. We arrived to John's apartment in Champaign around 11:30pm, right when everyone else: Brian, Adam, Dan, Chris, & Alyssa were gonna head out to the bars. Rach and I stayed a few minutes and had a couple more drinks with John in his place, then we met up with the others at Murphy's. At Murphy's we all came to love and remember cheap alcohol. $2.50 beers, $2.50 shots. After an hour or 2 at Murphy's we were graced with the presence of a new 24 hour McDonalds right next door. We couldn't resist the golden arches and headed over for 4 McDoubles & 4 McChickens and a value fry, for John, Rachel & I. We then walked home, ate our fill and headed to bed.


Saturday November 15th was an early rise for such a late night. We woke sometime around 5 am to the sounds of war outside the window. Oh wait, it was just some metal behind dragged and scrapped by construction workers across the street. After being in and out of sleep with the war sounds in my brain, we all woke up for good around 8 am. We put on our layers and got ready for the big Illinois vs Iowa football game. We headed out to the tailgate area and circled around our 2 cases of beers. We then realized we were kind of hungry and thirsty for actual liquids, so Adam and Dan ran over to the gas station and picked up some gatorades, chips, & granola bars to add to our tailgate. Things were getting wild.

Minutes later we got our shot glasses and began our power hour of fun before the game. Only after a few shots of beer I headed to the porter john. Now I am not sure how many of you have used the facilities in some ice cold weather, but let me tell you about it. I watched my feces fall from human to toilet and while it came out and was falling, it was steaming with quite a force. I now know where the phrase "Steamy Dumps" comes from.

Aside from the steamy dumps, we tailgated for about 100 minutes, thinking about inviting the guy who was sitting in his car alone drinking a beer next to us to our tailgate, and only being spoken to by a woman handing out $1000 bills which we showered Rachel with. Once all finished with our drinks and foods, we headed into the game, with a couple of sock beers and jacket drinks.

When I was using the bathroom initially and talking to Rachel, somehow the rest of our group got separated from us, aka they left us behind, so Rachel and I made our way to the student section and joined the Block I for the initial part of the game. We had some quality endzone seats close to the band, but were separate from our friends. Once the first quarter ended we headed up to the 200 section to join our friends, only to leave that section and find our actual seats after halftime. We stayed until the end of the third quarter when U of I was losing 30 to 7, almost getting a view from every spot in the stadium. It was my first U of I game and if I am correct, it was Rachel's longest time at a U of I football game, not bad for having season tickets during her sophomore year of college. But we had both ran sprints on the football field during her senior year of college, so we were no strangers to the stadium. Check out some shots from the game!

After the fooseball game we stopped at Rachel's old apartment to recollect the start of our relationship and such beautiful memories at 201 E. Armory. Snapped a photo and we then hit up Maize on the way back to John's apartment, a small quesadilla for me as my stomach was pretty full. Around 2pm, once everyone was back at the apartment, we all agreed to take a short 30 minute nap. 3 Hour later we woke up at 5pm. It was like a hobo shelter in there. Everyone wrapped up in their coats, I still had my shoes on, people were laying all over the studio apartment, and there was food and beers spread about. Once we were all up, Chris and Alyssa departed us and the games began. We still had 2 cases left and 6 humans left. Let's just say by the time we left to go out to Blind Pig around 11pm. All 48 drinks were drank. We played a variety of fun games to manage such a feat, but we did so in stylish fashion. We left for Blind Pig around 11, and Rachel called it a night, staying home. So, John, Dan, Brian, Adam, and I walked a few blocks in the snow to reach the Blind Pig. Supposedly one of the best bars in America? Or maybe it was Illinois? Anyway, it was a nice cozy joint, filled with hipsters and a weird guy named Stevie who claimed he didn't own anything he wore and had 76 cents to his name. This San Fransisco man was the only person to chat to us that evening and even let me try his hat on. Which means I probably have lice now. Thanks Stevie. After the Blind Pig papa was in the house as we devoured 2 large pizzas. Thanks papa.

We awoke on Sunday November 16th, packed up our goods, and headed to Kankakee to visit Rachel's grandparents. First we picked up a Jimmy Johns sub and a day old loaf. Tasty. After a nice visit with the grandparents that included a lunch of chicken, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, and ice cream; as well as fun games like Kings in the Corner and Farkle, we headed to Rachel's parents place. We made a pit stop there for a couple of hours then headed to see my cousins Emma and Anna star in the play Peter Pan. Emma was a pirate and Anna was a lost boy. A nice show and they both did great, and so did the people making the popcorn, yum!

The long week ended on Monday November 17th with some American Horror Story Season 4 which I find to be more interesting than scary and a Panda Express dinner with the sister. Although they made me pay an extra $1.25 for the steak I got. Outrage! Although the steak was delicious, a sly way to get extra money from me. Yarrr.

Friendsgiving ahead.

See ya there


Retro Gaming

Tuesday October 21, I watched a South Korean filmed titled Old Boy. Pretty disturbing with the twist at the end, but a great movie that I highly suggest if you want a thrilling psychological film about a man who is kept captive for over 15 years. That night Rachel and I watched some House of Cards.

On Wednesday October 22, I learned some important life facts. Salad and Spinach only have a lifespan of 3-5 days. Salad turns brown when bad, spinach turns black and smelled like poop. Later in the day I watched Cinema Paradiso, an Italian film about a movie theater back in the day running on film. The movie ended with this solid quote, "Life isn't like the movies. Life is much harder." I like this quote because it is true. Often we see movies and get an unrealistic perception of what life is or should be. Most often than not, we have to fight through tough times and it doesn't all work out the exact way we want. However, on the flip side, life is easier than movies a lot of times as well. The movie actually ended with the greatest kissing compilation of all time, since the priest wouldn't let them be shown during the actual movies, the film guy cut the clips out and made a compilation, which was way more complicated to do back then.

Thursday October 23, Rachel and I headed to Triva in Wrigley at Vines with Brian, Adam, Becca, & Jamie. The first round of trivia was solid for us, but it went downhill after that. I got the Vines Burger for dinner with curly fries. Fried HotDog on the burger, Yum. I realized that I have difficulties talking to people and ordering food. Ahh.

Friday morning of October 24th, I watched A Nightmare Before Christmas. I think I had seen it before, but only as a child when it scared me. It was a creepy but solid claymation film. I worked out and then followed up this workout with a triple steakburger from Steak N Shake before work. That evening, John came by my work, and I drove him to Chicago. We had some drinks with Rachel once we got back and then headed out to HeadQuarters to meet up with Adam, Brian, Phil, & Ryan. A beercade that is full of arcade games for free. Difficulty is finding one that is open, but luckily a VIP party ended after about 45 minutes and we were able to jump on all their free games they weren't playing. We played some Shinobi fighting game for awhile, and then some Rampage. As I was destroying buildings, Rachel was playing Space Invaders. Her first time ever playing this game which amazed me! After a while at HQ, we headed home and got some sleep. Check out the gallery from the night of Retro Gaming!

On Saturday October 25, it was the day of Adam's bachelor party. John and I had a couple of gummies before we headed out on an adventure. We first walked 1.5 miles to Patagonia and checked out their selection, then we headed over to Whirlyball but still had to time to kill, so we stopped at Moose Jaw and played a game of pingpong in the back. They have a ping pong table set up for customers to play and I edged John out in a headed match. The butcher stayed at home for the day. Barnes and Noble was next door so we went in and browsed around. On our way out, we stopped at the new samsung tabs. I loaded up some angry birds, and John loaded up Jcubed's 1000 pushups. He put it on high volume and we walked out of their giggling like little boys. Because honestly, it was hilarious. We then thought of some young child, or old lady walking up and seeing this:

After we left Barnes and Nobles cracking up, we were feeling pretty hungry and had a taste for 20 nugs, so we searched for a McDs. I swear we walked another 1.4 miles down Clybourne until we finally found a McDonalds right before Whirlyball. We were blessed with 40 nuggets, 3 cookies, 2 apple pies, and 6 buffalo sauces for 12 bucks. What a tasty deal. We ate up, then walked the rest of the way to meet up with the bros for some Whirlyball action. Whirlyball is an awesome game that is a combination of bumper cars, lacrosse, & basketball. I am not gonna say that I dominated, because I was really bad at passing and shooting, but I dominated handling the wiffle ball, driving around like a mad man, picking up ground balls, and blindsiding my opponents with every chance I could. We had 2 hours of fun and then played a couple more games that required tokens before heading out. Shot some hoops, played some air hockey, some foozeball, some retro gaming. 

John and I were able to get a ride back to my place from Brian and then we headed over to Brian's for the evening celebrations to begin. For dinner we got some deep dish pizza from Lou Malnati's. I ended up eating 6 pieces, 2 short of a large pizza and felt pretty darn full. We played some drinking games, and hung out for a long while, then headed out to some bars to close out the night. 

When we got back to my apartment around 3, Rachel had left us a little present. Two glasses of water and some ibuprofen. Seriously, what an amazing girlfriend I have! I am so lucky!

On Sunday October 26th, we had a family party at my Aunt Jan's. Before getting there I had to drop off John at the train, then picked up my grandma on the way there. We had tacos for dinner, which was a first in our family parties. They were very delicious though! After the party, Rachel and I shopped at a super inexpensive market near my grandma and got some great prices on fresh fruit and lunchmeat. That evening I began to watch American Horror Story season 1. Watched the first 2 episodes that night.

Here is a hilarious spoof of Breaking Bad I found the other day as well:

The morning of Monday October 27, I watched 2 more episodes of American Horror Story, went to work, then came home and had Jet's pizza and watched 5 more episodes of American Horror Story. I guess I am in the Halloween mood and like this spooky stuff right now?


The big 3 years coming up this next week. Woo Woo



The M's - Moon, Movies, Music, & Marathon

Tuesday October 7th, 2014. Happy Birthday Mom! After work, I drove Beth and Paige to Chicago, and we went out to eat for dinner at The Edge. A pretty tasty restaurant bar that reminded me more of a Denny's than a Chicago bar. That night, we watched a couple episodes of Freaks and Geeks while Beth & Paige enjoyed another of Molly's Cupcakes.

Full Blood Hunter Moon Stages copy.jpg

On the morning of Wednesday October 8th, I woke up at 4:15 AM to catch the Full Hunter Blood Moon. I stayed up for 2 hours taking pictures of the moon and watching Freaks and Geeks. I tried not to make too much noise as Rachel was asleep behind me, as I leaned out the window snapping photos of the moon. The rest of the day is a blur as I was pretty tired from being up from 4-6AM that morning.


Thursday October 9th I had my parents take my squeaky car in to the shop, ended up being a break issue... again. Luckily part of it was covered by warranty. Still an expense I didn't want. That night Rachel and I made bacon wrapped steak for dinner, with a side of sliced potatoes. We had some garlic bread as an app while cooking. The meal was so delicious, even though the bacon might have been slightly undercooked. Next time, I precook the bacon in the microwave to get it slightly started. While dining on this tasty meal and having a bit of wine, we watched the final episode of Freaks and Geeks, a solid show that I can officially say I have watched every season.. even if it was only 1.

On my way to work Friday October 10th, I was pondering semi-truck driver blind spots as I was passing a truck. I was looking right at him in one of his mirrors when he started to merge over toward me. As my car bumped over the safety rumble strips on the side of the road, I drove on the shoulder for at least 10 seconds until I fully passed the truck. I guess they do have blind spots! Yikes! That evening at work I was treated by a lax mom to some starbucks hot chocolate (she asked if I wanted coffee, I said hot chocolate) and treated to a lax dad to a couple drinks and some apps after work. On my way home from work, I had to stop halfway at a gas station to pee, and then had to pee really bad right when I got home. I also peed right before I left work, man do I have a small bladder.

Once I got home, I threw on some nicer clothes and headed for the bus to meet out with Brian, Adam, Rachel, & her brothers at Bench Mark in Old Town. The bus was taking forever, so I ran to Bench Mark. Not too bad of a jog. I had a couple of drinks with my friends, enjoyed chatting, & then Rachel and I headed out for the bus. The bus again, took forever, so we ended up walking home. On our walk home, we stopped at Angelas Burritos and Rachel got a quesadilla. When we got into our apartment I went right to bed and she stayed up to enjoy her meal and watch a show. A couple of hours later, she came in and told me she fell asleep with a quesadilla in her lap. Oh how I love her!

Saturday October 11th began with me finding some pictures from our Spartan Run. Check em out!

For lunch I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread by myself, how depressing... then headed to Lagunitas Brewery with Brian and Adam. The brewery was pretty awesome, starting with Willy Wonka music as you enter. The place was huge, 300,000 square feet, largest brewery in Illinois and one of the largest in the USA. I had a flight of a few different beers and then we went on a tour. The tour guide was hilarious and we learned a little bit about the history of Lagunitas. Brian had insider info (he had been there before) and told me to ask how the first logo (a dog) came about. I did and the story was absolutely hilarious, I will not spoil it here, just ask if you go! I still do not know the difference between any beers, I just drink them.

My flight of beers. Kronic, Maximus, Sux, Red.

My flight of beers. Kronic, Maximus, Sux, Red.

Picture made entirely out of bottle caps

Picture made entirely out of bottle caps

Brian and Adam listening to Willy Wonka Music.

Brian and Adam listening to Willy Wonka Music.



Once I was back at my place, Rachel and I got ready and headed out around 4pm to go to Joliet for the concert that night at MoJoes. We got to her brother Phil's place and had a few drinks while watching some How I met Your Mother. We then headed out to MoJoes, found a parking spot in a shady parking garage, and went into the show. Couldn't find a fourth to go with us, so I had to eat a ticket, but not a big deal, I have wanted to see Zebrahead since freshman year of college now. Once we got into MoJoes, we noticed that there were 3 rules, and only 3 rules, posted about 10 feet in the air off to the side of the venue. A very odd location, regardless, they were as follows:
1. No Moshing.
2. No Stage Diving.
3. No Crowd Surfing.

A pretty funny collection of rules, that were all broken, but we saw more of a stage walk by the lead singer of Zebrahead as he walked into the front rows, rather than a stage dive. We caught the end of Survay Says, then Allister (the hometown Chicago based band) performed and they put on a solid show. Zebrahead came out next to the Team America theme song. As they took the stage, the rapper singer introduced themselves, "We Are MF Zebrahead B!t#h. Zebrahead put on a fun, loud show. It didn't really sound like the CD, and I'm not sure if that is the sound they go for, but they were having fun, messing around, and even brought people on stage to chug beers. It seemed like a super loud, big party on the stage. I wish Zebrahead played more off of their MFZB album, but played Hello Tomorrow, Rescue Me, and Falling Apart, so I was pretty pumped for those. Although, they didn't play my all time favorite Zebrahead song, Strength, one of the guitarists had an awesome walrus mustache. Bonus points to him. The guitarists of Zebrahead also threw a ton of guitar picks into the crowd throughout the whole show. I thought this was pretty cool, a nice souveneir for fans. After Zebrahead, MXPX came out and finished off the night. They played a bunch of songs and the lead singer gave a great message throughout the show about sharing music with everyone, not giving up on your dreams, and doing what you love. They have been around for 22 years now, and still aren't that big, but keep at it. I like that. They played Chick Magnet and ended with Responsibility. My 2 fav songs by them. Great show. Listen to a couple of these bands songs while looking at some pics from the show.

On the way home from the concert, we picked up some Wendy's (I had 3 chicken sandwiches) and listened to Zebrahead the whole way home to Chicago. Great night. I would rank this concert in the middle of concerts I have seen. It wasn't top material, as all of the artists are wayyy past their prime, but it was a good show and I am glad I got to see Zebrahead live. Successful night.

The next day, Sunday October 12th, was the day of the Chicago Marathon. We woke up, and cheered on our friend Tori, running around to 4 different spots along the race route to cheer her on. The race went right by our apartment which was pretty cool to see. Around mile 25.2, the last time we saw Tori running, Rachel ran with her for a bit to give her some motivation. We knew a handful of other friends running the race, but didn't see them. I think we were pretty luck to see Tori so many times and time it up so perfect. It was very hard to try and find someone you knew as hundreds of people ran past you every minute. Later, we met up with John near Millennium Park and congratulated Mr. O on his 5th marathon. Perhaps I will run the marathon next year. It was my first one watching even, and it was a very cool atmosphere where everyone is positive and cheering each other on. Enjoy these photos from the day. Including some shots from around the city.

Once Rachel and I got home that evening, we invited Adam over. I finished hanging up the photos around our map, which turned out to look pretty amazing. Thinking about adding a second layer around the outside for more photos! I also deleted over 1500 country songs from my computer. Country music just doesn't do it for me anymore. Sorry fans of country music, ain't my bag of tricks no more. Gonna try to trim down my itunes even more in the coming weeks, as it still sits at 46,563 songs. We watched the Bears get the W with Adam, then Rachel cooked up a tasty Alfredo chicken pea pasta for dinner. So tasty to go along with our fancy fruity drinks with sugar coated glass rims. After dinner, Rachel, Adam, and I watched Dallas Buyer's Club, a touching and riveting true story movie about AIDS. Fantastic film that made me dislike the FDA and other government agencies for how they treated people with HIV and basically used them as guinea pigs, testing chemicals out on them. It made me think a lot about the food I eat and how many chemical preservatives are in them as well. I need to start eating fresher, healthier foods.

On Monday October 13th, Rachel and I both had the day off so we walked over to a local movie theater to see the movie Gone Girl. The movie was super creepy, and really good.  I highly suggest it to all those looking for a good mystery thriller. The movie theater also had the most amazing seats ever. They were individual, reclining leather seats, with drink holders and food tables. Incredibly comfortable, especially for a 2 1/2 hour film. The theater had "combo" deals for popcorn and a drink, that were the same exact price as if you bought them separately. Stupid, but I am sure people fall for it all the time, ordering more thinking they are getting a deal. Smart move movie theater, smart move. Keep giving out those popcorn/drink "deals"!

The rest of our Monday was spent watching House of Cards. We finished season 1 and are on season 2. Season 2 started off with a bang, the show is getting really good! I cleaned up some around the apartment, organizing drawers and I also found the missing jewel stamps. Thank goodness!

See ya next week friends. Looking to finish Devil in the White City this week. It has been a great book so far, excited to see how it ends up.
