Light up My Sky

Tuesday November 4th, I finished off American Horror Story Season 2 and had some Wings and Rings with young Squid.

Remember Remember the 5th of November. Wednesday I picked up a new lax helmet and watched a few episodes of Archer.

On Thursday November 6 I hit up the library and found a few vinyl records for sale and scooped them up. I also found out that the CDs and DVDs will be moving upstairs, to make space for a teen hangout area, such an inconvenience. Ugh. Best library in America no more. That night, I picked up Rachel from work and we hit up the drive thru at McDonald's, which was absolutely delicious even though they shorted us a McChicken. Scums. $15 an hour for workers my booty.

Friday November 7, I hung up blinds in our place and after work, made some rice and corn for dinner. I then just relaxed and hit the hay early.

Saturday November 8, cleaned around the apartment, hanging up blinds, hanging up pictures, and fixing doors and other adult stuff. I then picked up Beth from the train station around 2pm. After chilling at our place for a little bit, Rachel, Beth, & I headed over to Brian's and picked him up. We then hit up an Oktoberfest party around 5 at Phil's place. Great beer, great brats, and great friends. A little bit of hammerslagen as well. Slamming nails into a tree stump. I was brutal at it.  Around 8:30 we headed out on foot to catch the Yellowcard concert.

Once we arrived to the Concord Theatre, aka Congress Theater, we got our tickets and headed in. To our fortune, we missed the opening band and most of the second act. Yellowcard came on around 9:30 and jammed out for a solid hour. They rocked the place, and I was screaming all the lyrics to every song, even though most of them were wrong, I'm not good with lyrics if you didn't know. They played Light up the sky, Lights & Sounds, Only One, Way away, Ocean Avenue, and some of their other jams, pretty much all of their hits. I'll post the set list below. Somehow the music carried my body toward the front during Ocean Avenue and I was one with the moshers, woah! I made it forward and back through the mosh pit a couple of times without being too damaged. I was also chanting "We Believe You Will Play Believe" for the whole concert. Despite many people around me agreeing with my words, it didn't work.


  1. Convocation
  2. Transmission Home

  3. Crash the Gates

  4. Lights and Sounds

  5. Only One (Piano Intro)

  6. Make Me So

  7. Illuminate

  8. Light Up the Sky

  9. Awakening

  10. The Deepest Well (with Matty Mullins)

  11. One Bedroom

  12. Way Away

  13. Ocean Avenue

  14. California

Since they didn't play their best song besides Light up the Sky, listen to it above! We walked back to the party after the concert ended and then headed back to Naperville. By far the shortest concert I have ever been to, but it was awesome and the energy level was super high. I remember jumping up and down for nearly every song and screaming lyrics at Beth, Brian, and Rach.

Sunday November 9th we woke up and headed out around 9 to catch the Naperville Marathon. Rachel's brother Phil was running it and we were going to cheer him on. Beth came with and we met up with Rachel's family and watched Phil run all 26.2 miles. Nice work Phil! After the Marathon we dropped Beth off at home and then headed to Gordon Biersch for some lunch. I had a tasty Marzen BBQ burger while telling stories of our engagement with Rachel to her family!

After lunch Rachel and I drove over to my brother and sister's in St Charles. We got there and visited with the cute little kids. Sophia was licking walls, crazy girl. Nikolas was pooping, sleeping, and crying like the baby he is. Had some Panda Express for dinner, then we drove back to the city and called it a night after an exhausting weekend.

Monday November 10th.

Beth made some tasty tomato cheese bread for dinner. Nothing else really happened. Check out this inspirational video about running.

Headed back to U of I next week. Get excited.

