Out with the old, in with the new...

So it is official, I will be converting over to the new site, MalutaVision. The domain and squarespace site has been purchased for a year, and hopefully I can keep it up to date and use it often.

The old websites, jcubedproductions.com and jcubedproductions.org will last for the remainder of my contract, which is until January 13, 2013. Although I put it a ton of effort, and hours of coding and building to create those sites, I have had them since the beginning of 2010, about 3 years now, and the last it was updated was October of 2011, when I was attempting to impress Rachel :)

So although the old sites will be gone, and it is tough to get rid of the hard work that I put in there, I am excited for this new era, the MalutaVision era. And all the material from the old site will be available on this site still, under the Jcubedproductions tab. There you will find the same pictures, videos, and information in a very similar format as it was on the original websites.

So with all this said, I am very excited about the change and hope to get the ball rolling and update this site daily.

I have been doing a lot of video editing of late, here is my latest creation, which you had seen a gallery of pictures from before, Beth dominating the lax field...



Women's Lacrosse game between the University of Missouri and Iowa State University in Columbia Missouri at Stankowski Field on November 4 10, 2012. MIZZOU vs Iowa State A hard fought game that saw goals, assists, and some great goal tending. Lax game in the CPWLL lacrosse conference for division 1 club lacrosse.