Half priced what?

Song of the Week: Touch The Sky when Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Yeezy. A mashup between Kanye and Death Cab. This mashup was posted on soundcloud for about 24 hours before Kanye's team took it down for copyright reasons. This seems to be a recurring theme with Kanye and his new album The Life of Pablo which he says will never be for sale and is only streaming on Tidal. I am sure this will change since his album had been torrented over 600k times early last week. It is 2016, you can't stop the people. The Death Cab for Yeezy album has been re-posted around the internet, but it constantly being removed, so we shall see if it lasts here. If you can't find the 6 songs that were mashed, holla at a boy and I'll hook you up.   Check it out.

Here is a notable event of the week, Rachel uses a car phone charger for the first time ever! Quite an accomplishment and very proud of her of making this big step in her life. A standard and busy work week was followed up with a jam packed weekend of wedding planning events, visiting friends and family, and a little bit of lax preparation. I am also going to mention that we stumbled upon some insane deals on alcoholic beverages. Basically half off on a lot of products, must keep this in mind for every February. Our hottest pick-up was a 4 pack of budlight that was taped together with packing tape. Save Dat Money, and for those who haven't, go check out your local store and see if there is any left! Check out this interesting article/visual about what muscles we are stretching when we do specific stretches. Pretty neat. Also Beth's blog about baking has me hungry, so I am going to go grab some lunch!

Movie of the Week: LCD Soundsystem's Shut Up and Play the Hits. An interesting look at frontman James Murphy's 48 hours before and after his final show. He had a late start and an early exit to the music industry. However, he is back in 2016!

Videos of the Week: Stumbled upon (searched) these two videos from the Delta Buds shows John and I attended back in June. There were some dudes with some nice cameras filming and I was wondering when they would release some of the stuff. These are the only two videos so far.

I don't know about you guys, but I am sold on Frog Fitness after watching this video. Let me know if you will be investing in Frog Fitness!

Making a Murderer: The Simpsons Version.

TV Show of the Week: Walking Dead is back and they are finally killing off some of the lame characters! Hooray!

Thanks for reading

Only 1 week until the madness begins! High School Varsity Lax!

