Deer Tick & Time Lapse

Listened to the Deer Tick album War Elephant from 2007 today. One word. Amazing. If you haven't listened to it or heard Deer Tick before, I suggest starting with this album. Just a great set list of songs that sooth the brain.

Slow day in the shop. Editing and sorting through pictures. Off to Mizzou tomorrow. See you next week.

i made a video. this is it. pretend its not shaky.

In other news, I really want to do a time lapse video. I know generally how to do one and I am sure could find out more with a little research.  I just think they are so incredible, however, I do not understand how they get such perfect awesome quality. Just take a look at this gem of a video of Chicago. Sit back and enjoy. This may be the best time lapse I've ever seen. Just spectacular.

Please watch in Fullscreen & HD with sound for best quality. Cityscape Chicago is a personal timelapse piece consisting of over 30,000 still photographs shot on the Canon 5D Mark III incrementally between July and October 2012 around downtown Chicago, Illinois. The inspiration of this piece was my fascination with the city of Chicago, particularly at night. For me, there has always been a mysterious sort of feeling to Chicago at night, so I decided to explore and capture it. Special thanks to Kessler Crane for the motion control equipment used in the making of this video. Also, thank you to Hotel 71 and the Hard Rock Hotel Chicago Music: "Transcendence" by 'The American Dollar' | Download a free compilation of 9 of their best tracks here: Website Twitter Facebook Licensing Details


Preserve Trip + Gambino Rises

On my way home from my Aunts today, I stopped at a forest preserve and went off trail a little bit. I ended up following a dried out creek bed that ended up at a larger river. I got some pretty good shots along the way, although didn't catch any wildlife as I was hoping to. Here are a couple shots from today.


Also Rachel's Gambino video hit 666 views today....oooo creepy 666. But for real, why so many dislikes on this video? I can't wrap my head around it.  People on the internet are just mean.

freaks and geeks 666.JPG

I have still been editing videos, hopefully to finish at least one before I go see my sister at Mizzou this weekend. The website is slowing getting more material on it. I am searching through my Europe pictures for a second time. This time looking for good animal/human/scenary shots to upload. Although I don't want to upload too many pictures, it is hard when I think so many look pretty good.

Well, that is all for now


Out with the old, in with the new...

So it is official, I will be converting over to the new site, MalutaVision. The domain and squarespace site has been purchased for a year, and hopefully I can keep it up to date and use it often.

The old websites, and will last for the remainder of my contract, which is until January 13, 2013. Although I put it a ton of effort, and hours of coding and building to create those sites, I have had them since the beginning of 2010, about 3 years now, and the last it was updated was October of 2011, when I was attempting to impress Rachel :)

So although the old sites will be gone, and it is tough to get rid of the hard work that I put in there, I am excited for this new era, the MalutaVision era. And all the material from the old site will be available on this site still, under the Jcubedproductions tab. There you will find the same pictures, videos, and information in a very similar format as it was on the original websites.

So with all this said, I am very excited about the change and hope to get the ball rolling and update this site daily.

I have been doing a lot of video editing of late, here is my latest creation, which you had seen a gallery of pictures from before, Beth dominating the lax field...



Women's Lacrosse game between the University of Missouri and Iowa State University in Columbia Missouri at Stankowski Field on November 4 10, 2012. MIZZOU vs Iowa State A hard fought game that saw goals, assists, and some great goal tending. Lax game in the CPWLL lacrosse conference for division 1 club lacrosse.