Christmas Lights

Strung up some Christmas lights outside my house the other day, not too bad! Can't believe November is nearly over and December is just around the corner. Where has the time gone?

If you haven't noticed we have some updated logos/banners/pictures/videos. Lots of changes for the site to still come.

Meanwhile, I am eating oatmeal and wow, this stuff is gross...


Had a heavy fog come in the other night, got some great pics.

That's all for now


Give Thanks and Call Me... Maybe?

Had a fun filled week and weekend with family and friends. Happy thanksgiving to all!! Hopefully I can crank out a couple more vids in the coming week. I have fallen a little behind schedule because of holidays, but that's all right. Hoping to set up some Christmas lights around here soon. Check out my latest video featuring my cousins Emma and Anna. They really enjoyed making this video.


Naperville Apaches!!!

So after some hard editing until 3 AM yesterday, I finally finished our Apaches highlight video from the NIU Tournament where we took home first place. This is some quality lax footage and contains some nasty rips, fancy dodges, and stellar defense. Down to 14 minutes 40 seconds from 2 and a half hours of footage is pretty decent I'd say... Now off to Mizzou to see Squid!!

***Update: My video was recently posted on Lacrosseplayground, here is the link. Getting that recognition!
