The Highest Paid Actress in the World

Emam Stone.png

So remember when I said I would watch 5-10 movies by the next actor/actress? I lied. I ended up watching 16 of Emma Stones' flicks over the month of January. She was my second actor of the year, if you haven't seen my first, check out my post all about my favorite childhood comedy actor, Jim Carrey. I took Rachel's suggestion for the month and we took a deep dive into Emma Stone. She hasn't been in many more movies than the 16 I watched, so let's take a look at those movies right now:

Emma Stone launched her career in the 2007 classic Superbad. Although Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, and McLovin' star in the movie, Emma Stone adds some flair with her character Jules. I cannot remember when I first saw this movie, whether it was in high school or college, but it makes me laugh pretty damn hard. There are so many good lines and hilarious scenes, you must watch it if you haven't seen it. Fun fact: For some reason, Rachel's older brother Rob took her to see this movie when she was a junior in high school. It led to a few awkward moments as it isn't exactly a brother/sister movie (especially for a high schooler)! Emma stone continued her role as a secondary character in films The Rocker and Zombieland.  Although she has a more prominent role in the zombie comedy as Wichita, I would say her breakout movie as the lead role was Easy-A. Quite a funny film about a high school girl, Olive played by Stone, who proves that rumors can be used for good and bad. It's one of my favorite movies of her's, so definitely watch it if you are looking for a laugh.

Of the movies listed above, I think my favorite movie of Stone's where she played a lead role would have to The Help. The movie (2011) has Emma Stone cast as "Skeeter" who is a white woman in 1963 Mississippi. She ends up interviewing African American house maids and with her progressive views, helps get their story out to the public. This drama is based on the 2009 novel by Kathryn Stockett. The movie was a roller coaster of emotions, angering me, witnessing white families being so mean to their black maids, making them use their own black only bathroom at times so the whites wouldn't catch "disease" and happy at other times when Minny's special chocolate pie with poop is given to the rich white women, and people would help each other to make progress in equality. It's crazy to think that this was how some people treated each other 50 years ago, and still goes on in some places in the USA today. 

My least favorite movie would have to be Magic in the Moonlight. I just couldn't get into this Woody Allen directed film. It was too slow and boring. 

The movie that surprised me the most and I really enjoyed was The Irrational Man. This film was also directed by Woody Allen, however had a much more interesting story line. It stars Joaquin Phoenix, who plays a washed-up college professor Abe, and Stone who plays Jill, is one of his students who ends up falling in love with her professor. Watch the relationship and story build, only to be hit with a big twist at the end!


One thing I noticed about Emma Stone, is she is frequently casted with Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell. I don't know how casting works in the movie business, but I guess they work well together? Crazy Stupid Love which has all three of them in it is a hilarious comedy about love, divorce, dating, family, and more!  Emma and Ryan are casted together in the next two films. Fun fact, in La La Land, which Stone won an Oscar for Best Actress in a lead role, she is actually singing. What a talented woman! Gangster Squad was a pretty sweet movie as well which Emma plays a girlfriend of Mickey Cohen and Gosling plays a cop named Wooters who Faraday (Stone) ends up falling for. I didn't have a good spot to talk about Birdman which Stone also stars in, so I'll just say it's a great movie and you should watch it.  Her newest movie, again with Steve Carell, Battle of the Sexes is about the true story of the 1973 tennis match between the number one women's player Billie Jean King, played by Emma Stone, and ex-champ and hustler Bobby Riggs, played by Carrell. Another movie that focuses on women's empowerment and is based on a true story. 

Emma Stone, who is 8 months older than me, continues to grow as an actress and develop in her roles. From comedies to dramas, she does a fantastic job no matter which type of film she is in. I mean, in 2017, she was the highest paid actress in the world, raking in $26 million. Now, despite being the highest paid actress, I think it is noteworthy to mention that she still only ranks 15th overall, as 14 male actors are ahead of her. The unequal pay between males and females has no limits. By the way, the number one male actor, Mark Wahlberg, made $65 million last year, over double of Stone's pay. Don't sleep on this talented actress!

I only own about half of the movies I watched above, but was curious if there are any Emma Stone movies that I didn't watch that you think would be worthwhile. Let me know!

With Jim Carrey & Emma Stone checked off the list and we continue in this journey of watching specific actor's movies, we look forward to more suggestions. In the future, we are considering the likes of the following: Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Daniel Day Lewis, or Will Ferrell. 

Next up though: Russell Crowe

Happy movie watching


And the Academy Award Goes To...

Song of the Week: Go! by Common who just won an Oscar for his song Glory in the movie Selma. Turns out my Aunt and Uncle went to highschool with him! Amazing!

Tuesday February 17th, Rachel and I had some soup and bread for dinner and watched the movie Pay it Forward. Such an inspiring movie about a boy with a plan that in the end, comes true. Although I thought the end of the movie was rushed, it got the point of the movie across even more.

Wednesday February 18th, after work I did some organizing and cleaning, find old toys such as this home made toy bomb that was made with batteries from probably 1999. Oh childhood. I also finished the second novel in the Mitch Rapp Series by Vince Flynn, Kill Shot. Got to love how much of a badass that Mitch Rapp is. 

On Thursday February 19th Rachel and I made a delicious stir fry that we enjoyed whiling watching an episode of Mad Men season 5. 


Friday February 20th was another record setting day. This time I set a new personal record, shooting 98 mph with my right hand and 92 mph with my left hand. Both are 1 mph more than I shot a week ago. At this rate I will hit 100 in 2 weeks, but probably not unless I get into shape! After work I headed home and did some more cleaning and organizing.

I began Saturday February 21st with an early morning practice. After that practice I headed home and then Rachel and I went out to The Other Side bar for some lunch. We split a hamburger and chicken tenders while I enjoyed a Sheep IPA beer. This bar was really cool and I will definitely be back, considering while I was there they played great music (no country or rap), had delicious and inexpensive food (a hamburger and fries for $6.99!?), and the staff and environment was warm and welcoming. After that we headed over to my Aunt Jan's for a little family game night. We played games similar to charades and then charades as well. We enjoyed some pizza, whiling having fun with the family. Sophia & Nikolas were there as well and cute as ever. Baby Nikolas is always laughing and smiling, such a good baby! I also was able to play a little prank on Emma and Anna by changing their sign "Coat Service" to "Goat Service." Ahh I'm so funny. We played some spoons to end the night and then Rachel and I headed home and then went to bed.

Sunday February 22nd was another early morning for me as I had to go coach. After a scheduling meeting which was terribly designed and unorganized, I came back home and chilled before making some delicious chicken alfredo pasta for dinner. After dinner, Rachel and I planned on having the 87th Annual Academy Awards ceremony on as we did other things, however, we ended up watching the whole show in its entirety with Neil Patrick Harris hosting. With having only seen The Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, & The Grand Budapest Hotel I thought all the Oscars given out were appropriate, but really I have no clue since I haven't seen any of the other movies. I filled out an Oscar sheet and only got 5 of the categories correct. There were some great inspirational speeches, focusing on giving thanks and loving your parents, suicide prevention, equality for women, equality for all people of other race, gender, sexual orientation, & religion, and being yourself & being weird. The big winners from the night when it came to total number of awards won was The Grand Budapest Hotel  and the film Birdman. I can't wait to get my hands on all of the films that were nominated and see if the winners were truly deserving. 

Here is a list of all the nominees and winners.

With that being said, here is a picture of Rachel and I from game night that I am now posting in honor of the Best Picture: Birdman.

Monday February 23rd was a simple day. I wrote my blog, then Mozilla crashed and I lost it all, so I had to rewrite it, losing some of the original spunk it had. Went to work and then went home and watched The Walking Dead episode from the night before and started to watch a 30 for 30 about the Russians side of Miracle on Ice, interesting perspective and awesome coaching techniques so far!

Video of the Week: Live performance of Oscar nominated Everything is Awesome. I had no idea it was written/performed by Tegan & Sara as well as The Lonely Island!

Movie of the Week: Oscar winning short film, Feast!

Coaching is about to get real busy.

Talk in 7.
