Less than 2 Weeks Until I'm Married!

It is only a matter of days until Rachel and I will be married. Over the last week or so, my high school lacrosse season came to an end, many decisions were made for the wedding, and there was a lot of good lacrosse on TV.

The end of NV lax. It was a great first season as Varsity coach filled with many memories. Best of luck to all the seniors who graduated are moving on. Here is a shot from our Playoff win against St Charles North! A little revenge from a loss earlier in the season. Unfortunately our 9 game win streak came to an end in the second round of the state playoffs against the #1 seed Loyola, but it was a great run. Can't wait to return as the first 2 year coach since 2003-04 (2006-07 unofficially).

Song of the Week: Are You Serious by Andrew Bird off of his new Album Are You Serious. Reminds me a bit of Gotye, good stuff.

Fullerton Ave has been fully revamped with beach access and a beautiful green grass area with the city in the background. I look forward to making a lax trick video here later in the summer. I went a on a few runs in the past week along the lake, 4 miles one day, 9 another day. Trying to get in that wedding shape! It is closing in fast!

Rachel went on her bachelorette party this weekend down to Nashville with all of her friends. I am so happy she had an amazing time, including meeting an adorable, happy golden and country star Brett Eldredge. Although all Rachel did was ask Brett if he knew me, what a sweetheart! Best friend Sarah did an absolutely fantastic job setting it all up! Thank you for doing so :)

Over Memorial Day weekend we would like to thank all of the veterans for doing what they do, as well as appreciate some lacrosse that took place. All 4 games over the weekend were absolutely amazing. From the 2 semi-final games on Saturday, to the D3 championship on Sunday, and of course the overtime thriller D1 championship on Monday. It was an incredible weekend for lacrosse and if you didn't watch, go back and do just that! Salisbury edged out Tufts in a back and forth D3 battle while North Carolina beat Maryland in the finals for the D1 crown. Gotta love good lacrosse.

I dominated Brian in Mario Kart on Saturday night. Winning 3 out of 4 cups in Kart. Take that Brian! Mario Rules!

Oh, Rachel and I also got our Marriage license on Friday May 27th. We now have a license to wed. Watch out!

TV Show of the Week: Peaky Blinders Season 1. A pretty sweet show set in the 1800s in Europe where Gangs run the lands. Shout out to Brian for getting me into this. I was able to finally watch it this past weekend when Rachel was out on her Bachelorette party and Brian reminded me of it! Watch it on Netflix, season 3 just came out! Although I won't watch that until July!

Video of the Week: I have always been fascinated by cards and magic. Here is some fancy card shuffling by some dudes. I will never have such skills.

Only 12 days until Rachel and I get married ya'll. Get ready!


A Start to the Season

The FV Season started on Saturday 1/23, I am coaching a C level U13 team this year which is a nice setup for the busy year I will have with Varsity. First practice and some kid already hit me in the face with his stick. Joy!

Song of the Week: Pretty Pimpin by Kurt Vile. Shout out to John for showing me this jam. Potentially may see this guy come April.

The Non-Drinking streak is over folks. Stopped at a standstill at 20 days in to the new year, thanks to the woman at Jewel who was giving out free tastings of wine. How could we say no? We indulge in some more wine later that night, she sold us a bottle of the sample... So we go 20 days without drinking, only to realize that we just end up snacking and eating more food, but it was good for our livers I am sure!

After practice, Rachel and I met up with Rachel's bro Phil and Dad, as well as my mom to pick out our Tuxes for the wedding. Gonna look baller. Later that evening Beth, Rachel, Rob, & I all hung out watching some Gossip Girl and complaining about the complainers of the world. During this time, I came to the realization that before YouTube and videos online, I would search for videos on KaZaa (similar to Napster) and then torrent/download them. Was anyone else in the same boat as me? Now it is amazing that almost anything you want to see can be found on YouTube or similar video sharing websites, and you don't have to download anything!

In the meantime, I have been training endlessly on Mario 64, dominating Bowser and all his minions, claiming 120 stars and meeting with Yoshi for a secret rendezvous a top the castle while Peach bakes a cake for me. But seriously, I got so frustrated a few times with the video game I would just yell at the TV, tell Mario to suck one, and then shut the game off. Only to come back 2 minutes later and get back after it. My gamers out there know the feeling.


A couple of quick shots to sum up the weekend. Rachel, Beth, & I drove past a car with 2 goldens in the back, lovely guys! Rachel even yelled at the guy in the passenger seat for sleeping when there were such beautiful goldens in his presence. Also witnessed the closing down of The Edge Bar & Grill down the street from us. We had only been once, but this place was open 24 hours a day! Kind of sad to see it go!

Video of the Week: Finished editing the Tallest Man On Earth show John, Rachel, Melissa, & I attended at Hope College back in September. Great show!

Movie of the Week: Get Hard with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart. Sad dogging it from here on out. This movie got me hard.

TV Show of the week: Finished up Making a Murderer. Sad times. Being poor and living in a small town where you are not on the side of people with power seems like a very bad combo. Personally I think Steve Avery is innocent, even though the show is scripted and edited to do just that, it seems very hard for a couple of "dumb" folks to clean up a huge mess. Also his poor nephew who doesn't seem to know left from right gets pulled into it. I am a man of conspiracies though so would love to see some argument for the other side.

Podcast of the week: Serial season two. P.O.W Private Bergdahl leaves his post and gets captured by the taliban. Finally released after 5 years. Is he a deserter and traitor, or should he be let free? First 5 episodes down, released bi-weekly now. Give it a listen!

Thanks for reading, see ya next Monday!
