Graduating Squid

My sister, the little squid is a college graduate. But first... let's breeze through the boring stuff.

Tuesday May 13th I finished another lax highlight video. I also finished one on Monday May 19th. Both are posted below. The second involved the best lacrosse I've seen all year. Enjoy

On Wednesday the 14th of May I threw on my old pads and practiced with my 8th grade lax team, showing them a thing or two. Felt good to be back out there. This was also the date of the flower moon, the 5th full moon of the year... unfortunately it was too cloudy and rainy to see when I was still awake, so I missed it. I'll get the next one! First moon miss of the year, disappointing to all my moon gazers, I know.

On Thursday, my parents and I headed out on our 6 hour drive to Mizzou for the last time to see Beth graduate. I packed my trusty game boy color and collective games including SuperMarioLand, NinjaTurtles, Donkey Kong, BrickBlast, & Pokemon Red to provide me some entertainment for the trip. Also started to read The Shining and am about 50 pages in, quality read so far!

Once we arrived, we were ready to get the party started. As we headed out, Paige needed to pop her tiger cherry, Squid & I did some time ago, so we headed over to the tiger and took a ride. Around 9:30p my parents dropped Beth, Paige, & I off at some club named Roxy's for a night of $5 bottomless double well drinks. I went with the whisky coke, Beth and Paige went with some type of lemonade or sprite and vodka. The night was full of dancing and drinking on the dance floor. As I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:55pm and the free drinks were ending at mindnight, I headed over to the bar one last time. I aquired 2 whisky cokes, 2 vodka lemonades and headed bakc through a mass of people to find Squid and Paige and some other of their friends. As I was walking, drinkings filled to the brim, held above peoples heads, I surely spilled on quite a few people, apologizing throughout. The best was when I was right where Beth and Paige were and someone back into me, and I spilt a helping of drink on this girl behind us who then said, "Oh no you didn't, you spilt on my weave!" I apologized kinldy and gave her one of my whisky cokes, which she took a couple of sips out of and threw out promptly. We finsihed what we could of our drinks and then headed over to hotbox cookies to get some tasty cookies before taking some magical bus home. 


On the bus, I chatted with the some others who were going to graduate and found out Jen and Kim? were also headed to a similar area on the bus, striking. Beth wanted me to sit down for a majority of the ride, but I insisted on standing. Finally we arrived at our stop and I tipped that friendly bus driver man $2. He tried to refuse, but I didn't let him. 

Once in Beth's apartment we found her other roommate Allison sleeping, but not for long. She had to write some paper, so we woke her up and got her to work, or something like that. Around 3am the night came to end, with me snoring on the couch, and Beth getting ready for her final at 10AM.

On Friday, after our night out, Beth took her final and got a 157/160 or something crazy like that. It pays to study hard kids! Most of Friday was spent preparing for graduation that evening and going around and taking pictures. Here are a bunch of pictures of Beth / Paige / families from Friday afternoon around Mizzou's beautiful campus.

For dinner, we met up with the rest of the fam: Grandma, Aunt Ruth, Jan, & Lillian at AppleBee's, One of Beth's favorite places to eat. After dinner, we headed over to Mizzou basketball arena, for the Journalism school graduation! 

We made it about an hour early, but got some prime parking and prime seats, thanks dad. Here are a bunch of pics from the graduation. So happy and proud of Beth for graduating! What a squid! The ceremony ended with the most pathetic cap toss I have ever seen. You may or may not be able to tell, but there is a picture of it.


Friday night we had a little celebration at Beth's apartment with our family and Paige's. Here is a lovely snapchat beth sent out of me after we had already celebrated with the champagne and were onto those ever so tasty Summer Shandies. Can this photo be true if I was the only one drinking? I finished off the 12 pack of shandies as the night faded away and we were again, up until about 3am. College.

Saturday the 17th of May called for an early rise, around 7am because Beth and Paige had to go and be smart during college, so they were graduating with honors and headed to the honors graduation ceremony. My extended family, grandma and aunts, were just going to stay until Beth's name was called and then head out since they had places to go. With this in mind, Beth and Paige arrived late to the ceremony and were given the honor of last row for the ceremony. We only had to wait about 1000 names before theirs were called. You can tell in the pics how happy the fans were, and how awake Beth and Paige were. The nice thing was they were right next to each other and got to enjoy the 2 hour ceremony. Here are some shots from that day. Squid standing up to receive honors for being a nerd. Then she grabs her medal.


After the graduation ceremony number 2, we went out to eat at Glenn's Cafe in downtown Columbia. I had a tasty burger, and also went to a candy store before hand and picked up some delicious candy legos, fruity sticks, & my favorite, fruit slices. After lunch we headed back to Beth's apartment to quickly pack up the cars (I'll be driving baby blue home) and then drive 6 hours back... not. Beth had not packed anything yet, so 5 hours later, at 5pm we finally got on the road. I drove baby blue home all by myself, and was jamming out to the radio for the whole trip. Some quality stations around St Louis, including one that was playing 90s alternative for awhile. As we reached later into the night and were nearing home, Night Prowler by AC/DC came on the radio. A song that Nolan and I used to jam to late at night in my college days back at Adrian. Oh the memories.

The trip was a great success, I am so happy and proud of Beth for graduating, but cannot believe college is already over for her as well. How the time flies. Enjoy every moment, and I know she did with thousands of great memories from school.

On Sunday, May 18th, I slept until 11am after going to sleep right when I got home from Mizzou, giving me about 11 hours of sleep. Then I headed over to Danny & Sarah's current residnence for a birthday party for their 1 year old Sophia! The party was a hit, and the weather was perfect. I had to leave a little early to head to a lax game, but here are some pics while I was there!


What a great weekend it was indeed. Beth graduates, Sophia turns 1, & everyone has a grand old time. With the weather being warmer and the moods heightening, I am excited for summer which is right around the corner!


And before I end this lovely family blog post, I will add a few things about lacrosse. The Thompson brothers, Miles & Lyle, of Albany became the first teammates in D1 history to have over 100 points in the same season. They both broke the single season record for points as well, Miles with 119 and brother Lyle with 128. It was disappointing to hear they got bumped out of the playoffs by Notre Dame in OT. On the other side of lacrosse in the D3 world, Tufts teammates John Upgren, Cole Bailey, & Beau Wood become the first 3 way teammates in history to have over 100 points with 120, 107, & 102 respectively. That is some serious point production from all 5 of these guys. 

Also the new Apache jersey's came in, only 6 months late, but they are awesome. CandyMan baby!

I leave you with this great lacrosse video produced by a former college/mll player. Band Together or Go Home. Lacrosse is a team game, live it, love it.

Yaboy, Proud Brother & Maluta Family Member


Mizzou Women's Lacrosse Game

I watched my sisters team play Iowa State yesterday. Even though they lost, she played very well, ending up with a goal, at least 3 take aways, and a plentiful amount of groundballs as usual. They were then supposed to play Kansas in their second game, but Kansas had to forfeit due to lack of players... It was pretty disappointing especially since it was only their first game, and I was looking forward to watching the second, as well as seeing my sister dominate. Looks like lax is over until the spring. Train on young squid, and become the best at lacrosse you ever will be in the next year a half... I expect 300 right, 300 left, in the garage.
