In Memory Of Izzy The Golden

Wow. July 6th of 2016 was a very tragic day. Our beloved dog and friend Izzy left us to be in a better place. She was only 9 years old, but graced us all with 9 years of fun, licks, barks, laughs, runs, rolls, humps, jumps, and more!

Josh and Izzy on the first day she came home in 2007

Josh and Izzy on the first day she came home in 2007

A dog who had a love for licking all of the sweat off of John and I. Who enjoyed all sorts of toys, but mainly her little cat stuffed animal and any sock that was found laying around. A dog who made running and exercising fun for us, as we chased her around the park. A dog who would always be looking to get in a game of catch, H-O-R-S-E, or soccer. Who often was fearless, taking on the UPS man, walking and running through snow and ice, & greeting anyone and anything that walked past. A pup who pushed her boundaries, one time running all the way across the street into my backyard to see what was going on. A dog who was never angry, never growled or seemed sad, and always brought a smile to everyone who was around her.

She was even a selling point for my girlfriend at the time, now wife Rachel, to come over and hangout with John and I. Rachel loves Golden Retrievers and loved to be with Izzy. One of my favorite things about Izzy was even though she was a Golden Retriever, I can't say I actually ever saw her retrieve anything. She would chase a ball or a toy, and then just put it in her mouth for a second, toss it into the air only to have it plop onto the ground, or even roll on top of it in a massaging sort of fashion. She would then smile and wag her tail at you, waiting for you to come get it and throw it again. Smart pup! For a time, Izzy would often get excited and hump her bed in the basement until nearly passing out. Or even crawl into bed with John at night and push him off eventually. She was there when we watched TV, played video games, had cookouts, or filmed movies. She was simply a joy to have around.

Baby Izzy in 2007

Baby Izzy in 2007

Izzy wasn't actually my family's dog, but she sure seemed it. She was my neighbor and best friend John's pup and had been since early 2007. Even though we were about to graduate high school and go on to college, it always will feel like she was a dog that we grew up with, in part because we were home every summer, and still visit our parents houses even after we moved out. Every single member of my family would go and pet Izzy almost every day when she was outside, and I know that random children and adults walking around the neighborhood would do the same.

I think the one of the hardest parts of all this and when it really hits me is when I look out the window across the street, or open the garage and Izzy is no longer laying in the yard, eating bushes, barking at the UPS man, or being pet by the neighborhood kids. Not living at home anymore takes me away from this most of the time, but when I am at my parents and I do those things, I then realize, she is gone.

Even though Izzy has left us on earth, I am honored and blessed to have been able to film so many videos of her and take so many photos. Now that I look back I wish I had done more! Below are all 10 videos I have made with the focus being our beautiful, lovely, amazing golden girl, Izzy.


Above is a continuous playlist in chronological order of all 10 videos of Izzy. Below are the same 10 videos but separated for your viewing pleasure.

Watched all the videos? Check out some photos of Izzy that most people have never seen while listening to Go Do by Jonsi.

We love you Izzy. You will be missed, but will forever live on in our hearts.


For more photos of this beautiful pup check out my dogs page under photos! Also Read Beth's Blog about Izzy here!
