Naperville Apaches!!!

So after some hard editing until 3 AM yesterday, I finally finished our Apaches highlight video from the NIU Tournament where we took home first place. This is some quality lax footage and contains some nasty rips, fancy dodges, and stellar defense. Down to 14 minutes 40 seconds from 2 and a half hours of footage is pretty decent I'd say... Now off to Mizzou to see Squid!!

***Update: My video was recently posted on Lacrosseplayground, here is the link. Getting that recognition!


Mizzou Women's Lacrosse Game

I watched my sisters team play Iowa State yesterday. Even though they lost, she played very well, ending up with a goal, at least 3 take aways, and a plentiful amount of groundballs as usual. They were then supposed to play Kansas in their second game, but Kansas had to forfeit due to lack of players... It was pretty disappointing especially since it was only their first game, and I was looking forward to watching the second, as well as seeing my sister dominate. Looks like lax is over until the spring. Train on young squid, and become the best at lacrosse you ever will be in the next year a half... I expect 300 right, 300 left, in the garage.
