Champions of the 27th Annual

Tuesday September 30th 2014, Rachel made a tasty crockpot dinner for us, involving some sliced potatoes, ground beef, onions, and peppers. We enjoyed this scrumptious meal while watching House of Cards

Wednesday, the first of October was a big day in the Maluta family, as my brother and his wife had their second child. A boy this time, named Nikolas. Sophia is such a nice big sister. Congrats to them as their family continues to grow!


On my way home form work I finished the 3rd book in the Ender series, Xenocide. Very philosophical and a bit tough to "read" at times as they used actual asian people to read the parts with Wang Wu and Ching Chong, and Han Faedzah. Those are the actual names, but I have no idea about the spelling since I only listen to books these days. Solid book, but time to switch up to a different type of book.

Thursday October 2nd, I stopped at Jmon's on the way home from work. He actually lives like 2 minutes off of the highway on my way home which is pretty sweet. We hung out, played some synthesizer and enjoyed a succulent meal of chicken, rice, broccoli, and salad prepared by his father. I also began my new book on tape this day, Devil in the White City. I am excited to learn about some of the history behind Chicago. I also started to watch the show Freaks and Geeks, a 1999 series with stars like James Franco, Seth Rogan, & Jason Segal. A pretty hilarious one season series about life in highschool from both the "freak" perspective and the "geek" perspective, as they deal with daily highschool problems and begin to change as people, trying to find where they belong.

Friday October 3rd, I woke up and played some ping pong with Grant. After work that night, Beth met up with me at Buffalo Wings and Rings for some dinner. We got 20 wings with a variety of sauces: lemon pepper, parmesan garlic, bourbon bbq, & fajita tequila lime. Mmm Wings. That evening we watched some Freaks and Geeks. I am trying to burn through this 18 episode season, plus it is hilarious. Worth a watch people! 

Saturday October 4th 2014 marked the 27th annual NIU tournament. A tournament we have been playing in for 4 years, first as the Muffin Men, and now in our 3rd year as the Apaches. We have taken home one first and one second place in those 3 years, it is time for us to return as Champions. I met up with Gio & Jay at Gio's and we waited for Watson to arrive. It was absolutely freezing out, so cold that I saw the first snowflakes of the year intermixed with the rain, perfect lacrosse weather I guess? To our luck, Watson had an emergency to deal with and ended up being an hour late, but we wisely cracked a Rolling Rock to stifle the cold. 

After a 45 minutes drive, we arrived at the tournament and prepped for our first opponent, Northern Michigan University. They were a much better team then they had proved to be in the past, but were still no match for the Naperville Apaches, as we rolled to a 15 to 7 victory. I contributed with 3 goals and 5 assists. In the cold weather, the GoPro got knocked off my helmet in the first 5 minutes of the game, but at least one of my goals was on tape! We drove over to grab some Chipotle for a team lunch in between games. I got a burrito bowl, supposedly you get more food?

Our second game was against one of the worst teams I have ever played against, Judson. We rolled to a 15 to 8 victory. I had 3 goals and 3 assists, pretty much all in the first quarter. The fact that I was teaching their defender how to play and where to be in certain scenarios speaks to how poor their team is coached. It didn't help that one of the "starting" defenders told me they were going to put the scrubs in soon when they were down 5-0. I didn't say it, but all I could think was, dude, YOU are a scrub. Especially considering he was wearing a winter hat over his helmet. I mean sure, I was wearing camo fleece pants tucked into my red socks, but I was putting out, as always. 

Only 2 games on Saturdays, so we headed back and then I drove back to Chicago. About 5 minutes after being home, Brian came over with some Dominoes pizza. Shout out to Brian for making the delivery and supplying. We ate some pizza, watched an episode of Freaks and Geeks and bussed it to the heart of the city for the Great Chicago Fire event that was going to take place on the Chicago River that evening.


The stage was set, a barge with a wooden house in the middle of the river. In fact, there were a series of these down the river, we were at the farthest one west and could see one of them to the east. As we listened to some news anchor tell some facts about the fire and saw people light some chalices on fire, the suspense begin to grow. Then we watched a glowing house not burn for about 30 minutes as the crackling sounds of fire were heard over the sound system. The other house we could see a bit down the river was on fire, but it was a pathetic rate it was burning at. Then after 30 minutes of waiting and standing in a packed crowd, they said they were having some electrical difficulties. Oh really? Couldn't tell! While waiting, we made jokes about the fire and songs like The Doors, Light my fire, Billy Joel, We Didn't Start the Fire, etc. People in the crowd began to chant things about the burning of the building, but the only one that caught on was a chant of... "fire" "fire" fire." How lame. Look at the pretty buildings though.

We waiting another 10 minutes or so and then decided to follow some people out of the crowd, as we walked over a bridge on the river, they announced they would manually light the fire. Can't believe it took them 45 minutes to come to that conclusion. We kept walking and caught the bus home instead of waiting for the "Not So Great Chicago Fire."

Highlight of the night was when we stopped at Walgreens and I had a terrible poop, but we picked up some cookies and ice cream to make some homemade ice cream sandwiches. As we watched I Love You, Man we enjoyed our ice cream sandwiches which turned out to be the smallest break and bake cookies one could buy. Check em out

The next morning, Sunday October 5th, I drove back to Gio's and he drove us to NIU for the championship game. We were to play Wisconsin for the championship. We had beat them down 2 years ago in a game, but this year they only had 2 teams instead of 3 and were much better. It was a tight game, but in the end we came out on top by a score of 7 to 4. The GoPro stayed on the whole time and I ended up with 2 goals and 1 assist. A sweet finish to the 27th annual NIU tournament. Champions for a second time!

After the game the team stopped at Fatty's, a local NIU hangout with delicious food and drink. With the trophy in the middle of the table, I dined on the Fat Boy burger, a tasty double meat meal. 

After driving home, Rachel and I took to the town to try and buy some food. Trader Joes was overwhelming with people everywhere doing their Sunday night shopping. We left empty handed and took a walk around the block, looking for somehwere to buy a lamp. To our luck we stumpled upon Home Depot, went inside and found a standing lamp for the bedroom. Perfect! We picked up some McDonalds for dinner. That night I trimmed the world map to fit our new frame and built the lamp while watching some Sunday Night Football. 

Monday October 6th started with some measuring, drilling of holes, and hanging of the map I had finished the night before. I cleaned up the apartment a bit and at work that day. Beth's rooomate and best friend from college, Paige, surprised Beth that afternoon by showing up at our house! What a nice friend! Shoutout to friends!

On the way home from work I stopped at the library and found a ton of steals for a buck each. American Hustle, Dallas Buyer's Club, Gravity, & 2 other movies I can't remember at this moment. We got some Gioradano's pizza for dinner and I watched a bunch of episodes of Freaks and Geeks.


And that wraps up my last week. Get pumped for next week friends. Zebrahead and MXPX concert ahead. As well as a Blood Moon Wednesday morning at 4AM. Be there.


Squid is Feeling TwentyTwo

Tuesday September 23, 2014 - We watch 4 episodes of Breaking Bad to finish the series. No spoilers here, just an amazing show. Wow. The second show I have ever watched from start to finish. The first being 30 Rock. Breaking Bad was an absolute incredible series that I highly recommend to all those who can read this blog. A bit graphic at times, but fantastically done.

Wednesday September 24, nothing happens in my life. Oh during the week I also purchased Tim EP from Deer Tick and John McCauley's side band Diamond Rugs CD. I rarely purchase music, like ever, so you know it's good. Deer Tick can't be beat friends. If you haven't listened yet. It is time to start. Best band. Ever.

Thursday the 25th of September, leave work early to work the garage sale, goodbye runt. Many a memory were made riding the runt around the block. Runt races will forever be remembered. One man rides the runt as fast as he can around the court while the other rides a bmx bike as many times as he can. Check the video!

Friday September 26th, Beth gets dropped off at work around 9p and I drive her home to Chicago for the weekend. We hangout at the apartment Friday night with Rachel, nothing crazy.

September 27th, 2014. Happy 22nd Birthday Beth. While Rachel runs the Ditka dash, Beth and I get some Einstein bagels from down the road. Chocolate chip bagel for me. Then we hopped on the bus and headed to the Blackhawks store downtown. Everything was 75% off since they are moving locations! After waiting in a line about 30 minutes long to get inside, we spent another 30 minutes waiting in line to checkout. Great deals and a ton of stuff for $50. We then walked over to Millennium park to check out the giant heads and the area. Cool to see the park was a train station before. Rachel meets us at the park and then we walk to Chili's for lunch!

Beth gets that JT 901 tequila for a drank, finally. and I have some tasty soup and a turkey sandwich. Quite delectable.

Rachel's brother picked us up and drove us back to our place, but then it took over 20 minutes to find parking by us. Yikes. I played some Mario Kart and Super Smash with Rachel's brother while the girls got ready and everyone else started filing over.

Beth's friends arrive, and with Christine came John. What a surprise. Shout out to ya boy for showing up and bringing some house warming gifts. AKA old things I was selling, that he bought from my garage sale in Napes. Hilarious. 8 ball, monkey, sign, Pez holder with no Pez. He got some prime parking as well, right in front of our place, score!

We then walked over to Dukes, which supposedly has the best burgers around. A $100 burger called The Duke that has gold leaves on it. Brian meets us out there and we sit in a private VIP section. Rachel and I split a buffalo burger with waffles fries. Both John and Christine didn't look past the first 5 options of normal burgers, and somehow missed the other two pages of awesome burgers, so they got normal burgers. Fail. Squid loved her burger as you can see! Now enjoy these photos of our exclusive VIP party.

Afterwards we stopped at Molly's Cupcakes and the girls picked up some cakes, tasty. We came back to my apartment and watched Mizzou football beat SC, Happy Birthday to Beth!

We then played some loaded questions, finished up by watching SNL and playing Mario Kart afterwards. Some epic kart battles ensued. No one can be certain of who the overall winner was, but we all know it was me. Everyone took off around 1 am.

Sunday September 28th we drove back to Naperville, then to Marseilles for the Spartan Race. Rachel, her bro, his friend, and I battled through mud, barbed wire, and climbing over walls to complete the spartan race in just over 2 hours. Oh, we also threw a spear, slid down hills of mud, climbed up hills of mud, swam in pools of mud, and tried to climb things covered in mud. Mud anyone? We got cool medals and tees for finishing and Rachel carried me across the line.  A very fun, and dirty, race. Hopefully will get some photos from the race for next week, as they had photographers there.

Definitely worth the money and an exciting race where we pushed each other to exceed expectations. I won't forget the rather large fella that I failed to get over one of the first obstacles though. I had helped everyone in the group over a relatively high wall, and I was the last one left. I asked this guy if he wanted help and gave him one good boost, but he failed to get over. I then asked him if he wanted another shot and he said no, so I turned away and jumped over the wall. If I could do it over, I would have been a better influence and forced him to get over that wall. There was one person on the stat sheet with a time of nearly 8 hours in the race... I think it was that guy.

After showering up slightly with a hose at the race, we got our free beer (shocktop) and power bars. We then drove home. Once we cleaned up a bit back in Chicago, Rachel and I walked over and got some Potbelly for dinner and started watching House of Cards. We ended up watching the first 4 episodes! Our new favorite show, it's no Breaking Bad, but pretty solid.

Monday September 29th.

Work, then another 3 episodes of House of Cards at night! It is getting better. I never thought I would enjoy politics so much.




Love Josh

The Last Bonfire... Ever

Tuesday September 16th, 2014 was a day of tragedy and the first emergency care trip for myself in probably over a decade. I had gotten home from work and was in high spirits after seeing an awesome prize pack my mom had won for me had arrived. Check out this sweet Heineken gear!

Not only had this awesome prize pack arrived, but seasons 1 & 3 of 30 Rock arrived as well. 30 Rock is one of the few shows (maybe only) that I have watched every single episode and it was all out of love for Rachel. I didn't know it was love at the time, but it definitley was. Rachel had told me to watch the funny show back in September of 2011 when we started talking online for excessive hours. I became addicted and loved it and loved having something to talk to her every day about. Ahh, the start of a life lasting friendship.

Anyways back to how I ended up at the Emergency Care office. Rachel was cooking us up a tasty dinner, some chicken quesadillas with rice, and green beans. The green beans were in a can that required opening, and Rachel was having a tough time with it so asked me to open it. No biggie, I am an expert at opening cans, so I went over, opened it up and then went to pop off the lid. Unintelligently I went to use my right thumb to pop the now sharply cut can lid off. It was still slightly attached at one spot and as I applied a little pressure to the can lid, in it went into my thumb. It was not super painful, but blood started to come out. I was mad at myself for not using a spoon, fork, or knife to lift the can lid first. We wrapped my thumb up with some towel since it was bleeding quite a bit.

Now you have to remember that I do not get injured too often "knock on wood" and this was the first time I can remember slicing or cutting myself ever (except that dark period in 7th grade, jokes jokes). I had bashed my head on the cement playing basketball in 1st grade, and had my dad come out and yell at me for not wearing a helmet (he thought we were playing hockey), but besides that, I cannot remember any significant injury.

With that being said, it was a fairly long slice, about an inch long and it was bleeding at what I thought was a steady rate. After almost passing out from tying a rubber band too tight around my thumb, Rachel and I were on the move to find an Emergency Care that was open past 8pm, since it was about 8:20p. We found one online that was about 1/4 of a mile away and headed for it.

Once there, I was admitted to a room and the nurse came in, she started asking me questions and I began to take off my little wrap around my thumb. She started to say Oh no, don't take that off. But it was too late and I had taken it off, and then she saw the little slice in my finger and said, "Oh, you won't need stitches." After that I was basically treated like a 5 year old child and felt slightly embarrassed about the whole situation. She gave me a tetanus show, which was one of the positives of this trip, since I haven't had one since probably high school, but when she was giving it to me, asked if I was okay with shots, and then counted down as it went in. Confirmed, she thinks I am a little girl. When the doctor, some guy in his 30s, came in and put a band-aid on my finger, that was the icing on the cake.

Rachel and I both had a good laugh about the situation the whole time and on the walk home. At least we know where the immediate care is now and I am now free to step on rusty nails for 10 years. Woohoo!

Wednesday September 17th

I do not recall any particular events from this date, so enjoy a couple of videos. One a funny comedy rap song by a guy named lil dicky, and the other a pretty amazing rendition of the waltz, via GoPro.

Thursday the 18th of August and Friday the 19th of August were spent working, and prepping for our big event at work for the upcoming weekend, and preparing for our garage sale at home. Finally getting rid of a lot of stuff we should have awhile back! On Friday night, after work, Beth and I decided to have a bonfire. As we were walking outside, I said jokingly, "are you ready for the last bonfire... ever? Little did I know, these words would actually come true. I meant it since we only had one big log left and it will be too cold out soon, although I always want to have a bonfire out mid snow storm. Anyways, I get the big log going with some kindling, and also a couple pieces of bark from the big log that had fallen off, nothing out of the ordinary. About 5 minutes later, the flames are out of control and I see that the lid of the firepit is starting to melt and the paint is chipping away from the flames. Holy cow, this is getting out of control, so I ran inside, grabbed some water and threw it on the fire to calm it down and then broke apart the bark so it wouldn't burn as strongly. 

After a few minutes we were back to normal, the fire was again roaring strongly, but not too strongly. Beth and I were enjoying our time around the fire, making some s'mores with gram crackers that expired in 2011, yuck, then using new gram crackers, and just chatting it up. After about 25 minutes of sitting around the fire, there was a pop, and then the bottom dropped out (song reference anyone). Apparently this bonfire has seen too many great fires produced by yours truly, and it just couldn't take it anymore, and puked all of the hot embers and ash onto our patio. Fantastic. We couldn't believe what happened and it marked an end of times. The last bonfire... ever was over. Check out them pics!

Saturday September 20th was our big event at work, and brought us a boatload of candy, which is great, but also bad because we all know I can't resist candy. In fact, that is all I ate during my 9 hour shift on Monday the 22nd! Ahh brings back memories of childhood & cavities. After the event, I headed home and did some preparing for our garage sale, and also power washed the garage floor. It was quite dirty, and I don't think I have even swept it out in a couple years. I used to clean it at least every summer, but have not of late. After power washing out the garage, Beth and I headed over to Phil's place, Rachel's bro. I didn't want us to show up empty handed so we stopped to pick up some beers and apple-ahhh-ritas. I was carrying it all as we were walking out of the store and Beth says, "Do you need any help with that?" I said nope I got it, and went to switch hands and missed my hand on the transfer. Crack went the bottles of Sam Adams that I had just bought and out spilled the beer onto the floor. Luckily only 3 of them broke, so we still had at least 3 to take home! As I found someone to clean it up, I was then blessed with hearing that I could go grab a new 6 pack fo free. Fo FREE! This was quite the deal, especially after being so clumsy. 

At Phil's we had some delicious burgers, potato slices, and homemade beers. Tasty stuff. After Rachel's parents took off, Beth, Rachel, Phil, & I all decided to play cards against humanity. It was a hilariously great time and we headed home around 1 am. A great night!

On Sunday September 21st, Rachel and I did a little shopping for our apartment and then headed back. On our way out, we picked up some McDonalds. Once back we cleaned, hung up pictures, smoke alarms, & towel holders. The place is really starting to look complete and we plan to finish it out this week!

Rachel and I finished up the night by watching 2 episodes of Breaking Bad together, and then I couldn't resist and watched 2 more by myself! The show is getting sooooo good and the story line is getting crazy. Really keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting more! Only 5 episodes left for the rest of the week! Can't wait to finish! 

Monday the 22nd was a standard work day, ended with an episode of Breaking Bad and watching the Bears cruise to another victory over the Jets. Also set up some speakers to the turntable in the basement as I was cleaning and listened to War Elephant by Deer Tick on vinyl. They need to play a show close to Chicago again soon. 

I leave you with the top of a dresser that we are getting rid of. You can tell it is old because...

Until next week.
