A Snowy New Year

On the 30th of December 2017, Rachel and I drove up to Holland, Michigan to meet up with John and Melissa at John's place to celebrate the New Year.


We arrived a little past 3pm on Saturday December 30th, through a bit of snowy driving weather. Once we settled in, we got on our boots and snow gear and headed out again. John drove us over a half mile to a little parking spot near the boat dock. Once parked we set out on foot for another half mile, this time uphill through a neighborhood and then downhill to Lake Michigan. John's place is on Lake Macatawa, which feeds into Lake Michigan. On our walk to the lake, which included a heavy downfall of snow, we passed many a summer home, most empty due to the winter months, but some with beautiful Christmas lights and a snowy topping, making it even more picturesque. Once we made it to the lake, I took a slide down the slide while others looked on. I hit a big pile of snow at the end with a soft plump. Exciting stuff. It was pretty damn cold out, so my phone died right as I was making a video going down (peep the vlog). Minutes later, John and I headed towards the lake's edge. I felt nervously scared as we stood on what we eventually figured out was a frozen Lake Michigan, with waves crashing up and splashing high. It was a crazy feeling to have the waves hitting so high. It honestly felt as if i was on the edge of the cliffs of Moher, but with the water coming to the very top. It was cold, windy, and was quite exhilarating. The water was rolling, similar to an ocean, and we were certain it would be instant death if one fell in. Rachel and Melissa joined us at the frozen lake's edge before we all scurried back to safety towards the snowy mainland. I know it is hard to understand, but we were probably a good 100 feet out on the water, and a good 20 feet uphill, which was entirely frozen, but then it was not frozen at all once you hit the edge. That is where the water was still water. You never know when the ice might break off and fall in. Similar to if you stand on the edge of a cliff. The risks we took!


Once we stopped tempting death, we walked back through the blizzard, trenching through waist high snow drifts, eventually we made it back to our Cabin in Holland. We slipped out of our wet clothes and hopped into some dry ones to head to downtown Holland. Land of the dry. As we were driving on the highway, we saw some advertisements about how it was a snowless Holland. We didn't really get it until we were downtown and saw that the sidewalks were entirely rid of snow. How is this possible you may ask? The sorcery of Holland? Nope, just heated sidewalks, which means no snow on the sidewalks, but plenty of hobos sleeping. Jokes about the hobos. We parked downtown and walked along the street to New Holland  Brewing Company. We had a few drinks there a couple summers ago. Once inside, John and Melissa took us to the sampling room, where we sampled some whiskeys, gins and tequilas before being sat down for dinner. We ordered a beer and some bean dip as an app. Dinner came out and it was pretty good. I had a burger and some chips. I would say it was an average tasting burger, nothing too crazy to talk about. After dinner we headed back to John's place to play some some O'Hell and Hearts. Card games for the uninformed. Didn't stay up too late, and headed to bed in our twin beds.


We woke up the next morning, December 31st, 2017, New Years Eve, ate some breakfast and headed out for some cross country skiing. We headed out to the Pigeon Creek Park trails, and it only cost $8 per person to rent the ski's for two hours! What a deal. It was my first time cross country skiing, well actually skiing at all. I went water skiing about 10 years ago at my buddy Andrew Mewborn's in Georgia, but have never done any type of skiing or snowboarding on the snow. In fact, I've only been sledding down the Patterson hill near my childhood home. 

Anyway, we got the skis and I immediately had difficulty getting my snow boots to stay on them. I had to get my skis swapped out, and the new pair worked! Once I had my skis on I immediately fell over. Good start. I think I ended up falling down at least 20 times within the two hours of skiing. I was pretty terrible, but it was super super fun. I dressed up like a drunk local man (corona hat, shades, sweat pants, and a jacket), and performed like a local drunk man, stumbling about the trails. Rachel was the skiing expert and did well. John and Melissa also performed at a high level. Like I said, I fell over almost every 5 minutes, struggle bus.

There was a layer of fluffy snow over all of the trees and over the trails, it was a beautiful sunny day to go cc skiing. I did a mediocre job as everyone else succeed, but it was a fantastic time. At one point we attempted the pigeon plunge, a very steep and narrow trail that was similar to downhill skiing but between a 15 foot gap of trees. If we veered off too far to the side, we would surely crash into some pine. We all sat at the top of the plunge debating whether we should go down or not for 20 minutes. Finally I strapped my camera under my jacket, and went full steam ahead. The worst skier was on his way to death! It was an adrenaline filled descent that ended up with me eating it hard. My skis got crossed up and I slammed into the snow, but this is a survivor story and I live to tell the tale. John and Rachel followed suite and Melissa traveled around to meet us for the walk back to the lodge. Super fun cross country skiing. When we got back to return our skis, there was a super long line to get into the trails. It appears we finished at the perfect time. Great success!


With our boots back on, we drove over to Meijer to pick up some groceries for the evening festivities. John somehow managed to lose his wallet, and we were in kind of a funk, but then it fell from the side of the front seat and hit my foot in the back. Wallet found, day saved.  It must have fallen out of his pocket when we were getting in/out of the car. Phew. 

We made it back to John's place and fired up the grill. Time for a little snowy cookout. We cooked up some brats, Melissa made the famous corn dish, Rachel got some broccoli and onion together, and the boys grilled some brats to enjoy for the New Year's Masterpiece. 


After celebrating with our tasty dinner, we hung out for a bit, playing hearts, 3 man, and some other games. Melissa played us some cover songs and amazing originals! Check out her new music page here! Later that night, around 11pm, I put together a delicious buffalo chicken dip to enjoy while we played more card games. Finally, we counted down to midnight in the Eastern Time Zone, then again in Central Time Zone. Happy New Year x 2! Celebrate everyone!


I stayed up later than all in the house, as they fell asleep just after 2a Eastern/1a Central. Since everyone fell asleep with a drink in their hand, I took each drink one by one and finished them off! Safety first. A little bit after that I woke everyone up and sent them up to bed. I spent the next 2 hours editing some videos and working my blogs/vlogs. Definitely missed out on the opportunity to celebrate New Year's a third time for the west coast. I packed up and headed to bed just after 4a. What A Snowy New Year.


We woke up in the morning, January 1st, 2018, and ate the rest of the buffalo chicken dip from the night before and headed out on the road back to Chicago.

Happy New Year everyone. More videos from this weekend to come soon. Here is the vlog! It's a snazzy one!

Let's do it big in 2018!



Flag Day

Let's start off this Flag Day themed blog with the first track of the CD, Born on Flag Day, by my favorite band Deer Tick.

Wednesday June 11th was our first day of goalie camp. I started the day by headed to BMT to get a workout in at 7am. After the lift, I headed over to goalie camp for the boys. The skies were a little dreary and storms were in the forecast, but they held off. It did mist for the last 4 hours, but I wore my Walmart waterproof boots. Great investment a few years back for like $15. That evening we headed out to DT napes with some of the guys from the goalie clinic to Lou Malnati's for some deep dish pizza and beers. I had 2 blue moons, and somehow 5 pieces of deep dish pizza. 3 Sausage / Green pepper and 2 spinach / something else. It was so delicious. It may have been since it was my first meal of the day, or since the pizzas were in excess, but I gobbled and gobbled. So delicious, at this point I would say better than Gioradano's, but maybe just because I have not had Lou Malnati's since like 1999 for JQ's birthday party. Thanks for the pizza and beer boss.

Thursday June 12th. Another day of goalie camp, this time on the girls side. After camp, I went home and immediatley fell asleep. It seems I have been taking a lot more naps these days, not sure if it is since I am waking up at 6:15am to go workout at 7, or I am just lacking energy, either way, I have been getting some more sleep mid day. Thursday night I headed to some 3 v 3 men's league and had a great time being active and having a good time.

Friday the 13th of June, Ooo Ahhh, spooky. That's right, Friday the 13th was here, bring on the bad luck, or as my mom says, the good luck. I think I may be going with my mom, because as I shopped at Jewel for brats and beer, I found Old No. 38 Stout craft beers for $2.50 for a 6 pack. These prices were pre-prohibition like. What a deal. I picked up 3 cases and 2 packs of brats to go along with 12 italian sausages I already had at home. I also scooped some pretzel brats buns, can't go wrong with a pretzel bun. Unfortunatley Jmon couldn't make the cookout, so Beth, John, & I grilled up the meats for ourselves and my parents. Take a look at all that meat. Oh also, on the Born on Flag Day album by Deer Tick, there is a CD titled Friday the XIII, hope you're listening right now.

After cooking and devouring some beer brats, cheddar brats, and italian sausage, we will say 4 for myself, the daylight began to dwindle so we got the bonfire going. The first bonfire of the year was the best yet... But really, a bonfire under a full Strawberry Moon and on Friday the 13th couldn't be a better setting for a bonfire. We got the fire going, and then began to feed in one of my old failed bag boards. Basically I tried to make bag boards a few years ago, but jagged on cutting the circles, so they were a failed project. They have since been sitting on my back patio, but on this fine night, we were able to feed the over sized bag board into the fire pit slowly, but surely. The wood obviously did not fit in the fire pit, as it has a closed top and limited door space, but we made do. It was like the fire was slowly eating the bag board and we kept feeding it in. We also cooked up a tasty Banana s'more, compliments of John who thanks some French kids, not sure which ones, since he knows so many. You slice a banana with a knife down the middle, insert some chocolate of your choice, close it up, wrap it in foil, and toss it in the fire. The result is a gooey, and somewhat healthy treat of melted banana covered in chocolate. Mmm yum. Check out some of the photos, including John and I dressed in the same t-shirt. Done on purpose? It was Friday the 13th, you decide!

Full Strawberry Moon - June 13, 2014

Full Strawberry Moon - June 13, 2014

After our cookout, and bonfire, we ended the night with some long exposures and photos of the moon. Long exposures and sparklers may I add. Sparklers that I was gifted by Rachel for my 23rd Bday, yikes that is almost 2 years ago, well they finally were put to good use. I need some more ;) Taking these pics at night are fun and get the creative juices flowing, check out some from the night. My signature to the pictures would be when I would just throw the sparklers off the side of the screen. This resulted in many sparklers burning in the grass, one in a tree, and even one on the roof. Luckily none of them actually caught fire, but we were watching with a close, fearful eye.

That night, as I prepared for bed and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, I decided it was time for my long hair to go. The summer flow was no more. I brought out the hair trimmers from under the sink and began to buzz my hair right then and there. I did a decent job and had my dad touch it up in the morning. 

The next day, Saturday the 14th of June, also known as Flag Day, I kicked off the morning by cutting some t-shirts into sleeveless tees. So fancy. I also found out it was Flag Day because I saw some flags outside and asked my Dad what was with all the flags. He then explained Flag Day to which I said, okay. Fun fact, John McCauley, lead singer of Deer Tick, was born on flag day, hence the name of their second cd, Born on Flag Day. If you haven't been listening to the songs in this blog, you are missing out on some quality tunes. Here is another, straight blues jam.

Around noon, John and I set out on a 5 mile run. After that we got back and did a little shirtless circuit workout on the patio. Great day for outdoor fitness and activities. We continued these activities by setting up not only John's tent that he just bought, but also a tent we have had in my garage for the past 20 years, but have never set up. We did a pretty good job after about an hour of figuring out how to set it up. This is all in preparation for our camping trip to Colorado coming in August. Check out the tent warfare we had going on in Ashbury.

After a long assembly of the tents, John and I brought each tent down in about 5 minutes, pretty speedy if you ask me! After spending the day getting nice and tan in the backyard, I headed to New Lenox to spend the evening with Rachel. Before dinner we went a beautiful walk that ended with hand stands in the front yard. Both Rachel and I are getting pretty good. Watch out world. We had a delicious steak salad for dinner and then had Moose Tracks Icecream, my favorite, as we watched the movie the Descendants. 

June 15th, Sunday, was Father's Day. We started it off by going to Mass at Rachel's church. Before church started some guy approached us and asked us to do some delivering of the gifts. I stared at him wide eyed, but luckily Rachel's fam knew what was going on. We delivered the gifts to the front of the Church at the appropriate time, and as we were about to head back to our seats, the Priest told us how nice it was for Rachel's Dad's son and two daughters to help out and be with him on Father's Day. I just chuckled inside, not because I was referred to as her Dad's son, but because the priest referred to her Mom as a daughter to her Dad, even though they claim he winked, I think this Priest who alluded to drinking, was drunk and thought Rachel's mom was her sister. Those past sentences were tough enough to write, I can't imagine how they were to read.

After church we picked up some Panera on the way. All I wanted was a chocolate chip bagel, but apparently they were out, how do you run out of bagels at a bagel store? Unbelievable. We then walked around Home Depot in search for new housing designs, then went to Rachel's grandparents house on her mom's side to visit. When we got back from there I headed home to grill up some steaks for my Father on this Father's Day. My dad is one of the greatest people I know and one of my biggest influences. I don't know where I would be without him. Thank dad, I love you.

Just Kidding! Despite our striking resemblance, that's not my dad, that's Jerome Bettis. Here is my Dad and I in '95.

Father's Day evening, we watched This is the End and I did a bunch of video editing. Here are a couple of quality lax videos I finished this weekend / beginning of this week.

The last thing I have to put in this Flag Day post is a couple of documentaries I watched this past weekend.

The Devil and Daniel Johnston was a great documentary about singer/song writer Daniel Johnston who was brilliant, but also a lot of crazy. If you have the time and are into music, check out the guy who many claim is better than Dylan. The ups and downs in his life are drastic and interesting. 

I also watched a 30 for 30 on the Hillsborough tragedy in England in 1989. 96 people were essentially crushed to death because of pen style seating and overcrowding at a futbol match. There are so many things / parts of this story that make you scratch your head. A very sad story, makes me think twice about being up front for concerts. Scary stuff.

Hope you enjoyed it,
