Work it Out


Tuesday January 13th was the second day of the year that Rachel and I got a workout in. Hopefully this will be a great start to workouts for the year and I can keep after it the whole year. Last year I slacked off far too much and am way out of shape. By lifting weights and running more I plan to get in way better shape in 2015. Rachel then served us a crock-pot chicken covered in cream of mushroom soup for dinner. It was very succulent and tasty. We watched some Always Sunny in Philadelphia to end the night off.

On Wednesday January 14th, no one can remember what I did, maybe just cleaned and organized at my parents house after work a bit?

Thursday January 15th was a success at first, with Rachel and I getting another circuit workout in. We then made pasta with sliced sausage, squash, zucchini, and onion for dinner. Yummy. However, I then realized that our sink had cracked below at the trap, and was therefore leaking everywhere. Sink officially broken and cannot be used. Yikes! We watched the movie Sex Tape that evening, and it was a decent red box film. Don't upload to the cloud folks! That is all I can say!

On Friday January 16th I worked and then headed over to the new Lodge in Lisle. After stopping at Gio's, we walked over and met up with my college friends Jeff and Chelsea. We had a few drinks and chatted for awhile with the sounds of live music in the background of the bar. Just after midnight Jeff, Chelsea, & I walked over to Chelsea's apartment to hangout for a while longer. Around 2am I said my goodbyes and headed home.


Saturday January 17th was a busy day that started at the library and a few new (used) DVD purchases. I then picked up some Dunkin Donuts for the family. Rachel and I drove back to New Lenox to get Rachel's haircut and I browsed around Petco while she was getting her hairs chopped. Looking at all of the lizards, making me think I should maybe get another one soon. We got some Jimmy Johns for lunch and head back to Rachel's house for the afternoon. We then were treated to some Chili's with her parents that night. Despite the service being terrible, it took us over 15 minutes to get a drink at the bar, the food was delicious. I got the buffalo chicken sandwich to along with my Sam Adam's Cold Snap. When we got back to her house we watched The Grand Budapest Hotel and it was a pretty good movie! Even though I fell asleep for a few minutes in the middle because I was so tired. Looking forward to watching the quirky Wes Anderson film again soon.

I started Sunday January 18th by heading over to a second day of lax tryouts for a different age group. Afterwards I picked up a McChicken and a McDouble on my way to my Aunt Elaine's to help move her things to a new place. Check out our moving team selfie to the left. Once done moving all of those things, I picked up Rachel from Avery Coonley and then we drove over to get some pizza at ZaZoa's in Darien. Some delicious pizza! We got some meats at Tony's Finer Foods that evening and some amaretto. Rachel made us amaretto sours for the night and we enjoyed a gummy while hanging out, cleaning, and watching This Means War.

Monday January 19th, MLK Day, I tied my shot speed record, shooting 96 MPH with my right and 89 with my left. Not bad considering my highest in College was only 83. Add a bit of whip and you can do it too! After work I picked up some Olive Garden for Rach and I, complements of her brother Phil who hooked it up with some giftcards. We watched Mad Men while enjoying our pasta dinner. We also had the plumber come out during the day and they fixed our sink, the cold water works now too! Yay! I finished the night watching an episode of American Horror Story Season 4, which I have not been too crazy about, but am finishing since there are only 2 episodes left.

Enjoy these films I watched this week and thought were pretty amazing.

Looking forward to this full film coming Fall of 2015.


Thinking of changing up my blog style soon. With additions like song / video / movie / book of the week.  Enjoy!
