Bring on Spring with Music

It is officially February 8th and I still have not had McDonald's this year! A pretty big accomplishment from the McChicken spokesman, however, I have a feeling this may change very soon with lax season right around the corner.

January is officially over and so is my no alcohol streak. Although it unofficially ended in the middle of January, only ever had a couple glasses of wine on that one night for 30 days. 1 day of drinking out of 30 ain't bad! On to the next challenge for February, no candy... This may be a tougher beast to handle. Bring it!

Song of the Week: Every Planet We Reach is Dead by the Gorillaz off their amazing 2005 Album Demon Days. If you haven't lately, go ahead and listen to that album cover to cover. Pretty amazing. Also I discovered that the Gorillaz is only 2 guys. One guy who does all the music and one guy who does all the animation. Snap!

I have recently started an account on both soundcloud (yaboysjcubed) and bandcamp (yaboysjcubed) and have been enjoying both music streaming sites. I have also found myself buying more music for smaller bands that I enjoy that I cannot attain at the library (hence the bandcamp account). Gotta love supporting the artists you enjoy.

Hey! It's black history month AND the ground hog didn't see his shadow the other day. That means spring is here and so is this adorable? photo of me as a young Punxsutawney Phil with a young Squidl! Speaking of Squid, check out her latest blog post about the joys of being an Aunt!

On Thursday Feb 4th, Rachel and I hit up Dukes for buy one get one free Apps and 3 dollar Great Lakes Beers. Some delicious burger bites, wings, and waffle fries. Told you the non-drinking streak was over!

Continued my dining experiences at Hooters the next day for lunch. I feel like I have been to one before, but this may have been my first time ever at Hooters? I failed to get the wings though, so I guess I will have to return...

Saturday February 6th 2016 was met with a morning lax practice for FV and then followed up with some Yoga Sculpt with our fav class/instructor. It kicked my booty again, but I had a great time. Still feeling sore today from it. Rachel and I enjoyed the evening with friends at Headquarters, the beercade, where we set some records and posted up playing Q*Bert all night long. While Rachel went to use the bathroom, I had just finished a game up and someone behind me asked to jump on. I said sure no worries. 30 minutes later, the dude had absolutely obliterated my scores and set a record on the machine for the night. When I told him it was pretty impressive, he responded with, "I didn't date very much in high school." Q*Bert Legend.


Check the scoreboard above! Rachel accidentally put her name in as ARM, I am JWM, the legend is DAV..

Super Bowl Sunday was enjoyable, the big SuperBowl 50, first time using numbers instead of roman numerals. Rachel and I walked over to Brian's to hang and watch the game with him and Megan in Wrigley. Rachel made a couple of tasty apps, bacon wrapped potatoes and what I am going to call a loaf of bread that was sliced into little bites, while Brian provided the left of beverages from New Years still. I partook in too many drinks and was feeling it this morning. The Super Bowl was pretty fabulous. Peyton Manning can now exit on top (let's hope he retires) and Cam Newton can try again next year. A super defensive game that some may say was a bit boring, but I thought both defenses were exciting to watch and it is always better in good company! The commercials this year were meh, alright. Highlighting the top ones, golden retriever dad driving a golden retriever pup around, obviously the bizarre puppymonkeybaby one, Heinz and the weiner dogs running, and then the dogs who sneak into the grocery store to get their doritos. Go Titans!

Video of the Week: Meant to post this crazy music video last week, but forget. A pretty solid song, but a really really really strange video. Check it.

Bonus video for this week! Video shot with an iphone and some fishing string. Maybe I should upgrade to the 6 and I can make videos like this!

TV show of the Week: Rachel and I started Game of Thrones! So far we are 4 episodes in and are loving it! Winter is coming!

Gas is still on the decline, as I picked some up for $1.399 a gallon. Let's see where it is next week. Until then.

Yaboy Josh

Bear Down Chicago

Rachel and I spent the end of 2015 enjoying time with friends and started the new year of 2016 by doing just the same! We went over to Brian's in Wrigley and hung out with Adam, Brian, & Megan watching Iowa get dominated in the Rose Bowl game against Standford and also played some cards against humanity. Check out some photos from the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016.

Song of the week: An initial suggestion from Sarah that has lead to a constant playing from Rachel. Biebs is back!

Rachel and I found love for old school arcade games as we spent an evening with my good friend Cam from college playing games at Emporium Bar and Arcade in Wicker Park. We especially enjoyed Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and Q*Bert. Q*Bert was game of the night and we are now professional Q*Bert players as we cracked the top 23 multiple times!

On Sunday January 3rd, Rachel and I had the privilege of attending our first Chicago bears game. Before we even got into the stadium, we found out that NO bags are allowed in. This was bad news since we had Rachel's purse. Luckily Cam was with us, and he was kind enough to take her purse and carry it around the city like a grown man with a satchel. The Bears were taking on the Lions and we had some top notch seats. Rachel was able to snag us two seats in her company's box, after a little drama weeks before. The view from the box was not only stunning, but it was nice and toasty warm in the box as well. As we looked down on the peasants below in the stadium, we watched our Chicago Bears lose a somewhat exciting game in the closing minutes. It was super awesome being in the box, having free food and beer, and being treated like kings. When the dessert cart came by I snagged a little sack of delicious sour gummies. To top off our football game experience, William "The Fridge" Perry was in the box next to us and was recognized at half time for his career with the Bears, including a Super Bowl title in 1985. A great way to experience our first Bears game, similar to the way Rachel experienced her first Hawks game (10th row when I rode the Zamboni)! My only gripe was that since it was cold out, the box windows were closed, and you really couldn't hear the sounds of the game as I would have imagined it. But I would take being warm and comfortable over hearing Jay Cutler speak words. Woo!

After the Bears game we made a stop at the Field museum since it was a free day for Illinois Residents. This was our first time here probably since we were in grade school. Sue was in the building, but did you know they don't even know if Sue is a boy or girl? Dino Facts.

Starting on Monday January 4th and until now, I have not had any alcohol! It's almost been two weeks and Rachel and I are feeling great! Just doing this to boost our goal of getting into great shape for the wedding. We will continue to drink, just hoping to knock down the frequency and maintain our beach bod figures, once we get them...

In November last year, I had an amazing opportunity to film the first ever blind hockey event in the Midwest. After the holidays and going through over an hour of footage with multiple edits, I finished the video which was presented to the board of USA Hockey with hopes of Blind Hockey being adopted as a discipline within the USA Hockey's Disabled Section!

Beth's Blog is back in action this year! Be sure to hit up for a weekly post!
Her latest blog post revolves around being the book worm she has always been and her reading goals for the year.

Movie of the Week: The Imposter, insane and crazy documentary about a missing child who is found years later. Watch on Netflix.

TV Show of the Week: Narcos. The story of Pablo Escobar and the rise of Cocaine in the 1980s. Can't wait for season 2!

This blog was a bit late, so another blog will be coming in the next day or two!
